The Guardian (USA)

Poem of the week: Losing Galileo by Olga Dermott-Bond

- Carol Rumens

Losing Galileo

I like to imagine Galileo,his heart swinging likea chandelier, watching

the stones free-fall, thistiny world growing largerwith each thought. I like to

imagine an outlineof a new idea sending the earthspinn­ing round the sun,

I like to imagine himturning a Tuscan night-skyover in his hand, high up

in the leaning tower. I like to imagine his name as a poemfolded inside itself, Galileo

Galilei – but yet it moves – 400 years on, someonevot­ed to pack up constellat­ions

of people, unscrew each lightbulbs­tar, dismantle those tinfoiledf­riendly ghosts that float above

telling us where we are insideour flickering darkness. I hateto imagine how they will wink

in someone else’s back garden,while we, dull as pebbles, willlie at the bottom of night’s pitch.

Stasis from misunderst­anding.A country in terminal velocity.Without Galileo, without others

we are only a clouded thoughtexp­eriment that can’t imagineany­thing better than this.

This week’s poem is from the lively first collection, Frieze, by the poet and fiction writer Olga Dermott-Bond. Contempora­ry poetry often favours the personal and confrontat­ional, a gutsy convention-mockery that is attractive but risks becoming the default setting for new poets. Dermott-Bond’s work plays with elements of that voice, and makes it sound fresh. Impressive technical skill underlies her informal, sometimes improvisat­ional stylishnes­s, and serves her ambitious political and historical vision. Losing Galileo is a poem that tests the present against a historical touchstone. It takes on more than you might first think.

It starts off with the structural support of the reader-friendly, workshoppy pattern of the poetry list, a set of inventive variations on the theme, “I like to imagine …” It’s a device that enables the poet to make the remote and august figure of Galileo present to the reader’s imaginatio­n, avoiding any temptation to deliver a set of dutiful research notes. This is where the benefits of the personalis­ed, perhaps feminised, tone are felt. We might think we know all about Galileo, or we might (God forbid) think who cares any more about old Galileo, but we’re drawn in. The poem’s structure, both the listing technique and the short-lined triplet form, favours brevity. The poet seizes her opportunit­y to snap up a few nourishing biographic­al details and treat us to some compressed highly charged and unexpected images – with added energy from verbs such as “swinging”, “growing” “sending”, “spinning”.

When a young medical student, Galileo noticed a chandelier moving in response to different air currents, and realised it took the same amount of time to swing back and forth, no matter how wide the arc. After trying this at home by means of two pendulums, he decided to switch studies from medicine to maths. The poem makes the excitement of the discovery central, and connects it to another experiment, which involved dropping stones/spheres of the same size but different volume from the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

It’s not that the scientific details are insignific­ant for the poem, but that the text is not required to provide or explain them. The reader bears the responsibi­lity. The poet is more interested in the intellectu­al excitement, “this / tiny world growing larger with each thought”. She lives Galileo’s life in microcosm, as if in a series of nerve impulses, ceasing finally on a full-stop in line 13 (after “leaning tower”).

Verse five presents the last and freshest of the speaker’s favourite imaginings: “his name as a poem / folded inside itself, Galileo // Galilei”. Subsequent­ly, Galileo’s alleged comment about the Earth, (muttered under his breath after recanting his heliocentr­ic theory before the Roman Inquisitio­n) “but yet it moves” is skilfully placed. Framed by dashes, it moves the poem into the contempora­ry scene, “400 years on”.

Now the absence of Galileo is evoked in terms of loss of community, “constellat­ions // of people” and astronomic­al enlightenm­ent, “each lightbulb / star”. The enjambment, always unexpected, creates its own lightbulb moment. Dermott-Bond then reverts to her earlier trope, recasting it as the emphatic “I hate / to imagine …”

And although it’s used only once, the phrase sets off a compelling vision of intellectu­al decline which culminates in a collective coma, where we “we, dull as pebbles, will / lie at the bottom of night’s pitch”.

A brisk endnote tells us that “Britain left the EU Galileo satellite programme following Brexit, 2020.” The reference to a self-imposed isolation from scientific ideas adds an important dimension to the poem. But Losing Galileo evokes more than one act of suicide, and perhaps more than one nation’s pathetic imitation of a stone falling from a tower, “[a] country in terminal velocity”. Galileo’s ideas were sometimes interprete­d merely as thoughtexp­eriments – and that’s all they were until they were multiply tested and verified. Dermott-Bond might be viewing the end of human existence when she writes, “without Galileo, without others // we are only a cloud”. Contrastin­g the “stasis” of ignorance with the combined powers of science and imaginatio­n, Losing Galileo sheds an important light on our increasing­ly cloddish, scrappy times.

other stuff comes up as well, family life for example. We’ve got to know each other very well to the point where we are planning to visit each other – he lives in Kenya. We have changed each other’s businesses and lives.”

As with any other type of partnershi­p, however, there is plenty of scope for things to go wrong. On this,

I can speak from personal experience. A few years ago, while researchin­g a magazine feature, I joined an online life-coaching community. We were each paired with a partner to support us through the “transforma­tional journey”. Every Monday, at 5pm, I had an hour-long call with a woman in California to discuss our progress on that week’s exercises. Trouble was, she was going through an angry divorce and mostly wanted to vent about that and her disappoint­ing real estate career. I was too polite on the first call to set any boundaries or ground rules and only got 15 minutes to share details of my week. She was an aspiring magazine writer, and in subsequent calls, kept ranting at me: “It’s all right for YOU, you’ve already got a great job,” which wasn’t helpful.” I’m not proud of this but in the end, I tiptoed quietly away, from the group and from her increasing­ly furious emails.

This scenario is precisely why experts suggest you embark on such arrangemen­ts with an initial trial period and always set an end point for how long your partnershi­p will last. “You can say, let’s try this out and see if it works,” suggests Reading. “That way you can find out what it is you really need, and be clear and honest about swiftly calling a halt if it isn’t working.”

Working successful­ly with a buddy rests as much with thinking about what you can offer the other person as what they can give you. “We ideally want to work with someone compassion­ate and non-judgmental who is trustworth­y and is genuinely interested in our success,” says Reading. “But we must also be willing to offer that to them.”

 ?? Photograph: ESA/EPA ?? ‘400 years on, someone / voted to pack up constellat­ions / of people’ … three satellites from the European Galileo navigation system network.
Photograph: ESA/EPA ‘400 years on, someone / voted to pack up constellat­ions / of people’ … three satellites from the European Galileo navigation system network.

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