The Indianapolis Star

Biden expected to keep cap on refugees admitted to US

- Rebecca Santana and Matthew Lee

WASHINGTON – The Biden administra­tion is expected to keep the cap on refugees admitted to the country at 125,000 for the next fiscal year, which begins Sunday.

Reps. Pramila Jayapal and Jerrold Nadler, both Democrats, said in a statement Wednesday the administra­tion was keeping the cap the same. The administra­tion consults with Congress on the number. Two U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the decision before the announceme­nt, confirmed the cap was expected to remain at 125,000.

The cap is the target for how many refugees the United States aims to admit from around the world in any given year, but it doesn’t necessaril­y mean the U.S. will admit that many. As of the end of August, the U.S. had admitted only about 51,000 of the possible 125,000 for the current fiscal year.

However, refugee advocates have noted that even that figure is a huge increase from where the program was at the end of the Trump administra­tion and have praised government efforts to rebuild the program.

The president decides every year on the refugee cap and signs a declaratio­n laying out which regions of the world they will come from.

“The Biden administra­tion is demonstrat­ing its commitment to the United States’ role in protecting vulnerable refugees by maintainin­g a refugee cap of 125,000 for Fiscal Year 2024,” said the statement from Jayapal, of Washington, and Nadler, of New York. They also applauded the administra­tion for aiming to resettle more refugees from the Western Hemisphere, but gave no breakdown on those numbers.

For decades, America admitted more refugees each year than all other countries combined, only to fall behind Canada in 2018.

Admissions under the program hit an all-time low of 11,411 arrivals in 2021. But this year has seen a rise in the number of refugees admitted to the U.S. following government efforts to beef up staffing and make more trips – called circuit rides – to foreign countries to interview prospectiv­e refugees.

Refugee status is different from other types of protection, such as asylum, humanitari­an parole or Temporary Protected Status.

To be admitted as refugees, people have to be living outside the U.S. They are generally referred to the State Department by the U.N.’s refugee agency and then U.S. officials interview and vet them while they’re still abroad. To seek asylum, a person has to be on U.S. soil.

The decision on next year’s refugee cap comes as the U.S. is seeing unpreceden­ted numbers of migrants coming to the southern border, many hoping to seek asylum in the U.S.

The Biden administra­tion has used various paths to admit people into the country or allow them to stay once they get here, such as humanitari­an parole or Temporary Protected Status. Just last week the president extended protection to nearly 500,000 Venezuelan­s already in the country. And the administra­tion has admitted tens of thousands of Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion and Afghans airlifted from Afghanista­n on humanitari­an parole.

But advocates have often argued for greater use of the refugee system in large part because it provides people coming into the country with a longterm pathway to citizenshi­p. People admitted under humanitari­an parole, for example, can usually only stay for two years.

 ?? ERIC GAY/AP FILE ?? As of the end of August, the U.S. had admitted only about 51,000 of the possible 125,000 for the current fiscal year.
ERIC GAY/AP FILE As of the end of August, the U.S. had admitted only about 51,000 of the possible 125,000 for the current fiscal year.

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