The Maui News

Trump pushing legal boundaries


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has floated the unconstitu­tional idea of delaying the Nov. 3 election. His administra­tion may have violated a judge’s order on the 2020 census and could be held in contempt. Another court ruled that he illegally sidesteppe­d Congress to find billions for his border wall.

In ways large and small, in multiple corners of the government, the president has demonstrat­ed a willingnes­s to push the boundaries of federal law, if not outright flout them. And in the heat of a presidenti­al campaign, that track record only adds to anxiety about whether Trump will abide by the results of the election.

“When the president talks about being the law-and-order candidate, it’s clear that when he says the word ‘law’ he means the laws he personally cares about enforcing,” said Liz Hempowicz, public policy director at the private Project On Government Oversight. “That’s not how a law-and-order system works. You can’t pick and chose. It’s just a complete breakdown of our democratic systems happening in front of our eyes.”

Trump has already suggested the election will be rigged, and he has pointedly declined to promise a peaceful transfer of power if he loses. He jokes about staying in office beyond two terms, prompting supporters in Atlanta last week to chant “12 more years!”

But it’s no joke to critics who see a callous attitude toward the laws he claims to uphold. They point to a series of instances in which Trump or officials in his administra­tion have violated the spirit of the law, ignored it or made end runs around statutes to implement his policies.

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