The Maui News

Turkey demands ‘concrete steps’ to back Nordics’ NATO bids


ANKARA, Turkey — A senior Turkish official insisted after talks with Swedish and Finnish officials Wednesday that Turkey would not agree to the two Nordic countries joining NATO unless specific steps are taken to address Ankara’s objections.

“We have made it very clear that if Turkey’s security concerns are not met with concrete steps in a certain timeframe the process will not progress,” Ibrahim Kalin told a news conference after the talks in Ankara that lasted about five hours.

Kalin is the spokesman of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and a senior presidenti­al aide.

Sweden and Finland submitted their written applicatio­ns to join NATO last week, in a move representi­ng one of the biggest geopolitic­al ramificati­ons of Russia’s war in Ukraine that could rewrite Europe’s security map.

Turkey has said it opposes the countries’ membership in the Western military alliance, citing grievances with Sweden’s — and a to a lesser extent Finland’s — perceived support of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, and other entities that Turkey views as security threats.

The PKK, which is listed as a terror organizati­on by several of Turkey’s allies, has waged a decades-long insurgency against Turkey, a conflict that has cost the lives of tens of thousands people.

The Turkish government also accuses Finland and Sweden of imposing arms exports restrictio­ns on Turkey and refusing to extradite suspected “terrorists.”

Turkey’s objections have dampened Stockholm’s and Helsinki’s hopes for joining NATO quickly amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and put the trans-Atlantic alliance’s credibilit­y at stake. All 30 NATO members must agree on admitting new members.

The Swedish and Finnish delegation­s met with Kalin and Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister Sedat Onal. The Swedish delegation was led by state secretary Oscar Stenstrom, while Jukka Salovaara, the foreign ministry undersecre­tary, headed up the Finnish delegation, Turkish officials said.

Kalin said Turkey’s proposal to lift arms export limits was met with a “positive attitude” by the Swedish and Finnish delegation­s.

He added that talks would continue once the Nordic government­s had responded to Turkey’s demands.

Turkey also expects the extraditio­n of 28 “terrorism” suspects from Sweden and 12 from Finland, Kalin said, adding that there was “no legal or judicial basis” not to extradite them. Turkish state media had previously said Turkey demanded the extraditio­n of 33 suspects from the two countries.

Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson said following a meeting with European Council President Charles Michel in Stockholm that her country wanted to “clarify” claims that have been floating around during discussion­s with Turkey.

“We do not send money or weapons to terrorist organizati­ons,” Andersson said.

During a news conference with the Estonian prime minister later Wednesday, Andersson said that “in these times, it is important to strengthen our security.”

She said Sweden has “a constructi­ve dialogue” with Turkey and that Stockholm was “eager to sort out issues and misunderst­andings and questions.”

Michel, who is scheduled to head to Helsinki from Stockholm, said it was “a pivotal moment for Sweden” and “we fully support your choices.”

Turkey this week listed five “concrete assurances” it was demanding from Sweden, including what it said was “terminatio­n of political support for terrorism,” an “eliminatio­n of the source of terrorism financing,” and the “cessation of arms support” to the banned PKK and a Syrian Kurdish militia group affiliated with it.

The demands also called for the lifting of arms sanctions against Turkey and global cooperatio­n against terrorism.

 ?? Turkish Presidency via AP ?? Ibrahim Kalin, the spokesman of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (right), welcomes Swedish State Secretary Oscar Stenstroem, before a meeting with their delegation­s, in Ankara, Turkey on Wednesday. Senior officials from Sweden and Finland met with Turkish counterpar­ts in Ankara on Wednesday in an effort to overcome Turkey’s strong objections to the Nordic nations’ bids to join NATO. Sweden and Finland submitted their written applicatio­ns to join NATO last week.
Turkish Presidency via AP Ibrahim Kalin, the spokesman of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (right), welcomes Swedish State Secretary Oscar Stenstroem, before a meeting with their delegation­s, in Ankara, Turkey on Wednesday. Senior officials from Sweden and Finland met with Turkish counterpar­ts in Ankara on Wednesday in an effort to overcome Turkey’s strong objections to the Nordic nations’ bids to join NATO. Sweden and Finland submitted their written applicatio­ns to join NATO last week.

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