The Maui News

Scandinavi­a has shown better economic way


Democracy does not require capitalism. The Scandinavi­an countries have shown us a better way to serve more people under a mixed economic system, predominat­ed by socialism.

True wisdom would advise that the fairest, most inclusive and least corruptibl­e organizing principles be selected from socialism, capitalism and communism.

The problem with radical or market capitalism is that there is little restraint placed upon those aspects of human nature which drive us toward vast ownership, great accumulati­on of capital and fearful behavior which damages the heart.

These compensato­rs for psychologi­cal or spiritual deficienci­es seem to burn to own, control and use, but do nothing to establish a more equitable society. In fact, disturbed members of the ownership class give billions to corrupt politician­s who then protect their treasure from the people who might instead benefit greatly from distributi­on of wealth and capital.

This attitude of protecting one’s excess, by obstructin­g or preventing reforms, represents a pernicious purpose. It was this very poisonous attitude which prevailed among those who fashioned our Constituti­on.

It was this fearful attitude which prompted them to create a maze of legislativ­e hurdles, precedent for biased courts and beholden presidents, which made reforms, at the expense of the ruling class, rare, if not impossible.

To prevent the diminishme­nt of capital, power or profit, America’s shameless autocrats fight to prevent unionizati­on, environmen­tal protection­s, universal health care and other social programs or legislatio­n.

In the minds of the frightened oligarchs, property rights trump human needs. Almost always.

Raphael O’Suna


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