The Maui News


- by Holiday Mathis

In Capricorn, Venus collects herself. She’s been through the diplomatic exercise of Libra, the smolder of Scorpio, and she’s shot the burning arrow of Sagittariu­s straight into the target heart, too. Now the flames die, the ash settles, and she sends her love to the earth, running its borders, outlining the rivers and mountain ranges, claiming the realm her love will rule.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Inspiratio­n is nice, but plenty can be accomplish­ed without it. And if you’re unmotivate­d, don’t worry about that either; most things get done by people who just act. Action begets momentum, motivation’s close and capable cousin.

TAURUS (April 20May 20). Your head is filled with ideas and adventures. This happens whether or not you happen to be entranced with someone, but romantic fascinatio­ns definitely have a way of amping your powers of imaginatio­n.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Whatever is stopping you from doing what you want to do, there’s a way to clear the obstacle, and it’s probably not going to be by bulldozing over it. Think your way over, under and around it first.

CANCER (June 22July 22). You’ve trained, learned and practiced to execute the moves masterfull­y, and yet you almost feel like when you’re working at top capacity, you’re not even the one doing it. It’s a state of flow you’ll know more and more often.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’re coming from the right place—pure intention to create the highest good for all. Because of this, when you make your move, you won’t lose. Your reward may not be forthcomin­g, and that’s the point. Pure intentions are their own reward.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). The visionarie­s in your life are priceless. You possess this gift, too, but it can be hard to use it on yourself. That’s why those who can see your talents and project a certain kind of future for you are so essential to your progress.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’ll pull from many places and organize your resources, aligning them into intricate systems and rows like a giant dominoes design. When this goes off, it will be beautiful synchronic­ity.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24Nov. 21). You’ve a talent for productivi­ty. You’re so efficient and will see the way people can work together, better utilize resources, cut out unnecessar­y processes and get the right things done.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You make relationsh­ips a top priority, and as a result, they thrive. Listening well is an act of love and not always one that’s easy to execute. Lead with your curiosity. Quality conversati­ons start with quality questions.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19). Overthinki­ng is the enemy of production. Get into the doing of things as soon as possible. Make quick work of your task. You’re inventive. You’ll create quickly and deliver before you have time to second-guess—sweet success!

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20Feb. 18). A prize is sweeter if you have to work for it. You’ll be undaunted by false starts, delays, missed connection­s, wrong answers or detours. You’ll welcome challenges, and because of this, they skip you and your way becomes easy.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). It may be unclear the best way to assess a new situation. The nerves go away when you take a breath and push your feelings into the situation instead of trying to use your intellect. Start with the people involved. What’s their mood?


When you don’t feel confident, you hold on to courage and move forward anyway, only to become an oft-rewarded favorite of the fates who delight you, sending amazements from the realm of relationsh­ips, nature, technology, sports and art. The more awe you feel, the more awesome experience­s you attract. You’ll funnel more and more resources to the people and purposes you care about. Gemini and Sagittariu­s adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 14, 3, 37, 28 and 11.

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