The Mendocino Beacon

Old Time Notes from The Beacon

- By Debbie L. Holmer

130 Years Ago Oct. 18, 1890

• The Ukiah northbound stage was held up Saturday between that place and Little Lake by a lone highwayman. L. McDaniels, well known in this place, was handling the ribbons at the time and was alone on the stage. He obeyed the order to throwout the express box, but when the robber demanded the mail sacks, he informed the individual that they were on the bottom of the stage and to help himself. While thus intruding on Uncle Sam’s rights, McDaniels opened fire on the robber, who exchanged shots with the driver and then fled. Sheriff Standely was notified of the proceeding­s, and immediatel­y started in pursuit of the highwayman capturing

him at Cloverdale Monday. None of the shots fired took effect, and when the stage driver related his story but little credence was placed in it, although holes in the stage bore witness to the fact that something had occurred. The captive dispelled all doubt, however, by confessing his guilt and corroborat­ing McDaniels statement. The robber is a young man about 20 years of age. He says he did not intend to shoot McDaniels, but fired at himwith the hope of scaring himoff, as he opened fire first.

105 Years Ago Oct. 16, 1915

• The ChinaMail Steamship Company, with a paidup capital of $10million has been formed in San Francisco to compete with the Japanese in Trans-Pacific trade. Among the organizers, one of the most prominent is Look Tin Eli, president of the Canton Bank of San Francisco. Look Tin Eli is a former resident of Mendocino and attended school here during his boyhood days. Since leaving here he has risen rapidly and is now one of the best-known andmost influentia­l men in the Chinese community in San Francisco.

• A sonwas born to the wife ofWarren A. Carpenter last Friday, October 7th, at Caspar.

• The steamer Westport sailed from Union Landing last evening with a cargo of lumber and bark.

• Mr. andMrs. Otis Johnson left Fort Bragg Saturday for San Francisco, where they will make their future home. Mr. Johnson will occupy an important position in the city office of the Union Lumber Company.

75 Years Ago Oct. 13, 1945

• Harold Reep, son of Mr. andMrs. W. S. Reep of East Mendocino, arrived in New York Tuesday morning on the Queen Elizabeth. He went fromthere to a camp in New Jersey. He expects to start west by train in a few days.

• Mrs. Emily Lemos received a long-distance call fromher son, Sgt. Jack Lemos, on Thursday of last week, saying he had landed in the U. S. andwas then in Boston. The young man is expected home anytime now.

• At the local high school this year, the girls are fortunate in having a chance to take shop. The girls who are trying to be carpenters are Merna Fry, Marie Johnson and Darlene Hood.

• Mr. andMrs. Hugo Grass have received several letters from their son,

Pfc. Fred C. Grass, who has beenmoved by plane from the Burma jungles to Calcutta, India, where he is convalesci­ng in an American hospital, following release from a prison camp where he had been held for three and a half years.

• T-3Niilo J. Jacobson returned to his home for the first time since induction, three years ago. Two and a half yearswere spent in England, being attached to the 67th hospital unit, and six months in Texas.

55 Years Ago Oct. 15, 1965

• Mr. andMrs. Joe Gomes were escorted to the altar of the Catholic Church in Mendocino on Oct. 10, where the Rev. Father Cullins read their wedding vows which they renewed. This was the beginning of a memorable day for Mr. andMrs. Gomes, whowere married at the churchOcto­ber 10, 1915. Witnessing their wedding were Dinah Figaro and Antone Quaill. They left immediatel­y for a honeymoon trip to San Francisco.

• Chet Bishop, retired longtime Main Street merchant, will be guest of honor at a reception at Kellieowen Hall on Nov. 7, the affair planned by many of his host of friends.

• The cameras moved back to Mendocino Monday, with many shots being made for the movie

“The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!” on Ukiah Street. Jim O’Donnell and Wanda McFarlane were Mendocino’s stars on Tuesday. Mendocino is being used for nearly all of the village shots, as the homes and business houses here very closely resemble those of the Nantucket coastal area.

• Lila Longo (Mrs. Vince) and small daughter Lisa of Angels Camp were recent guests for almost a week at the home of hermother, MamieMendo­sa (Mrs. Jos.). She renewed local friendship­s while here and visited her brother, AlvinMendo­sa and family. A happy holiday and nice family visits.

30 Years Ago Oct. 11, 1990

• Be sure to see Erin Dertner’s new show of watercolor­s now hanging at the Ruth Carlson Gallery. They are colorful, reflect the local scene, and are uniformly excellent. It’s a beautiful show, but you have to hurry.

• The deVries were delighted when they found out that their inn, The Glend even Inn, had been selected as the Inn Of The Month in the October 1990 edition of the magazine, “Country Inns.” The deVries bought the farmhouse, which had been built in 1867, in 1977, and worked on its conversion in the past 12 years.

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