The Mercury News Weekend

Senate GOP vote undermines online privacy

- Contact Troy Wolverton at 408-840-4285.

Senate Republican­s showed Thursday they don’t care about your online privacy.

It remains to be seen whether their colleagues in the House of Representa­tives and President Donald Trump feel the same way.

On a party-line vote, the Senate on Thursday voted to strike down online privacy protection­s the Federal Communicat­ions Commission establishe­d last year. The rules, which were largely set to take effect later this year, would require broadband providers like Comcast and AT&T to seek customer approval before collecting certain data on their online activities and would require them to take “reasonable” measures to protect the data they collect.

Without those protection­s, broadband providers could collect just about any data they want on their customers’ online activities without having to inform the customers, much less seek their permission before they did so.

“Senate Republican­s just struck a massive blow against everyone who uses the internet,” said Gaurav Laroia, a policy counsel for Free Press Action Fund, a consumer advocacy group that championed the privacy protection­s. Senate Republican­s, Laroia added, sided with broadband providers “to take away the privacy rights of hundreds of millions of Americans.”

Responding in Orwellian

fashion, Jeff Flake, the Arizona Republican who sponsored Senate resolution, argued the move was actually good for consumers.

“Passing my resolution is the first step toward restoring a consumerfr­iendly approach to internet privacy regulation that empowers consumers to make informed choices on if and how their data can be shared,” Flake said in a statement. “It will not change or lessen existing consumer privacy protection­s.”

In other news, Flake said that up was down and the sky was green.

The Senate’s action came in the form of a resolution under the Congressio­nal Review Act, an obscure law passed in the 1990s that allows Congress to repeal rules issued by federal agencies in the waning days of a presidenti­al administra­tion. The FCC adopted its privacy rules in late October. Unlike most actions in the Senate, CRA resolution­s can’t be filibuster­ed.

A related resolution is awaiting a vote in the House. Assuming the House passes its measure — a likely bet, given Republican control there too — the resolution would require Trump’s signature before taking effect.

The FCC pushed through its privacy rules in order to fulfill a legislativ­e mandate. Federal communicat­ions law requires telecommun­ications com- panies to protect customers’ private data and seek approval before using it, but leaves it up to the FCC to define what actually counts as private informatio­n. The rules did just that, explicitly defining private informatio­n to include things like users’ locations, their browsing history, their financial and health informatio­n and the what they actually say inside the body of their emails and texts.

But the rules were also essentiall­y a recognitio­n that broadband companies pose an acute threat to consumer privacy. Broadband companies get to see everything you do online when you are connected to their services, not just what you do in a particular web browser or on certain websites or apps.

That informatio­n is extraordin­arily valuable to marketers — and potentiall­y dangerous to consumers, noted Laroia. Data on your online activities can be used to infer whether you have a particular health condition and what your finances are like and could be used to discrimina­te against you when it comes to applying for a job, trying to buy a house or getting credit, he said.

Consumer advocates noted that the broadband industry and its advocates have made sizable contributi­ons to Flake and other lawmakers.

“Today, 50 members of the U.S. Senate voted to sell their constituen­ts most personal informatio­n to the highest bidder,” said Evan Greer, campaign director at Fight For the Future, an internet advocacy group.

Republican­s have argued that the rules were unfair to broadband providers and confusing to consumers, because they didn’t cover Google, Facebook and other web-based companies. They’ve also argued that privacy protection­s should remain the job of the Federal Trade Commission.

But such arguments are disingenuo­us and misleading.

The amount of data that Google, Facebook and other companies collect is certainly a concern, but the FCC has no authority over such companies, so it can’t do anything about their privacy practices. Similarly, the FTC by law has no power to regulate Comcast, AT&T or other broadband providers.

That could leave a big hole in privacy protection if the bill passes. That’s because Congressio­nal review resolution­s do more than simply block new rules. Their passage bars the agency that issued the rules from reinstatin­g them or putting in place new rules that are substantia­lly similar to the ones that were blocked. In other words, if the resolution on the FCC’s privacy rules takes effect, the commission will not be allowed to issue any more rules to protect broadband users’ private informatio­n unless Congress gives the agency that authority via a new law.

That would leave broadband companies pretty much free to do as they wish with consumers data.


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