The Mercury News Weekend

Senate nearly doubles hurricane aid package

- By Kelsey Snell

The Senate has approved $15.25 billion in disaster aid as part of an agreement struck by President Trump and congressio­nal Democrats that will also raise the federal borrowing limit and keep the government open until Dec. 8.

The bill passed Thursday afternoon by a vote of 80 to 17. The House was expected to quickly vote on the package, despite growing opposition from fiscal conservati­ves who oppose pairing aid with debt and spend- ing elements.

The Senate legislatio­n includes $ 450 million for the Small Business Authority disaster loan program and $7.4 billion in grants for housing affected areas in addition to $7.4 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency from the House bill. The Senate legislatio­n also gives Congress until Dec. 8 to negotiate a new spending agreement and increase the debt limit.

Leaders worked through the night Wednesday and into Thursday morning to reach an agreement with conservati­ves like Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., to speed up the timing of a vote on the package. Paul has requested a vote on an amendment that would use spending cuts to offset the cost of the disaster relief package.

“My amendment will give the Senate a chance to fund necessary relief in a fiscally responsibl­e manner,” Paul said in a statement.

Other conservati­ves, including Sen. Ben Sasse, RNeb., have called for votes to approve the disaster relief without the debt and spending portions an- nounced Wednesday following a meeting between Congressio­nal leaders and President Trump.

McConnell praised that agreement Thursday despite broad GOP concerns that Trump caved to Democrats on the their request that any deadline for extending the federal borrowing limit line up with a short-term spending package.

“It will provide certainty and stability for first responder, state officials and the many others involved in preparing for and recovering from these storms with critically needed emergency funds that will not be interrupte­d by the prospect of a shutdown or default,” McConnell said on the Senate floor.

If approved, the legislatio­n is expected to set the stage for a bruising yearend fiscal battle.

“The president agreed with Senator Schumer and Congresswo­man Pelosi to do a three-month [funding extension] and a debt ceiling into December, and that’s what I will be offering, based on the president’s decision, to the bill,” McConnell said after the meeting. “The president can speak for himself, but his feeling was that we needed to come together to not create a picture of divisivene­ss at a time of genuine national crisis.”

The Senate is expected to approve the package when it comes up for a vote and send it to the House for final approval. Leaders are rushing to approve FEMA money before emergency funds run out in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. Some congressio­nal leaders have said they worry the agency’s coffers could run dry by week’s end.

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