The Mercury News Weekend

‘Doom VFR’ gameplay can be disorienti­ng

- Gieson Cacho Game on Contact Gieson Cacho at 925-943-8313.

Figuring out how to move around in virtual reality is one of the biggest problems facing the medium. Running and gunning as one would do in “Call of Duty” is a recipe for nausea. The disconnect between speeding around a map and being fairly stationary in the living room leaves some gamers looking for the nearest toilet.

Some developers have tried to solve the issue by stuttering the movement. Other have let players mimic the running motion to get around the conundrum. With “Doom VFR,” id Software tackles the movement problem with teleportat­ion. It’s a gameplay concept that studios such as High Voltage Software used for shooters such as “Damaged Core.”

It’s a workable solution that lets “Doom VFR” mimic the run-and-gun gameplay the franchise is known for, but it’s far from perfect. The controls are complicate­d on PlayStatio­n VR, and thatmakes the learning curve steep. It’s a clumsy effort, but one that shouldn’t go overlooked. The team deserves credit for creating a fleshed-out standalone campaign.

“Doom VFR” is essentiall­y a prequel that sets up the events in the “Doom” reboot. Players take on the role of a UAC researcher who is killed during a demonic invasion on Mars. Fortunatel­y, the survivor’s consciousn­ess is transferre­d to a robot, and the machine has to find a way to seal the portal to hell.

As the robot, players have the ability to dash in different directions with button presses, but they mostly rely on the teleportat­ion ability to move around. It’s functional, but the problem with “Doom VFR” is that there’s no way to straighten out the perspectiv­e. Players will teleport, and sometimes they’ll be facing in the wrong direction for their intended target.

To mitigate this, id Software slows down time whenever players are jumping to a new area. That gives them time to survey their surroundin­gs in order to find a better spot to move. It also gives players an advantage with aiming in combat. In addition to the time dilation, players have shield burst to push back enemies who mob them.

Despite these efforts, playing “Doom VFR” can be disorienti­ng. Sometimes players will teleport into a wall, and they’ll have to press the 180-degree-turn button to see what’s behind them. Maneuverin­g requires that players have the map layout in their mind’s eye, so they can figure out where they are exactly to avoid danger when they blindly teleport.

Other times players need to teleport to flank a demon, so they can shoot it from behind or dodge a rush from a Hell Knight. All of this requires a new skill set, and adjusting to the speed and style of this quick-twitch shooter takes time.

Thankfully, “Doom VFR” has more than enough content for players to get their virtual-reality sea legs. It does a good job of easing newcomers into the gameplay. The initial mission forces them to clear out the hub, and from there, they take a teleporter to different sections of the research facility as they repair broken sections of the site.

The mission design can be surprising­ly varied. Players will be putting out fires or hacking into computer systems. Along the way, they will also uncover secret areas and upgrade nodes that let them increase health, ammo or the length of a time dilation when teleportin­g. These options give players a nice sense of progress.

Although players will come across a lot of new content, id Software does recycle some old levels in smart ways. As a robot, players will revisit some sections of the 2016 “Doom” reboot, but the developers cleverly put it in another context for a fresh perspectiv­e while still delivering a bit of nostalgia for hard- core fans.

“Doom VFR” isn’t the breakthrou­gh that players could be expecting from one of the pioneers of the first-person shooter. The developers at id Software found a way to adapt the run-and-gun gameplay, but the remaining problems make the experience frustratin­g.

 ?? BETHESDA SOFTWORKS ?? “Doom VFR” delivers fast-paced gameplay, but it will take players some time to adjust to the complicate­d controls.
BETHESDA SOFTWORKS “Doom VFR” delivers fast-paced gameplay, but it will take players some time to adjust to the complicate­d controls.
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