The Mercury News Weekend

It isn’t about rights, it’s about responsibi­lity


I am concerned that the decisions of a few churches (“Judge rules against church,” Page B1, Dec. 9) may give the impression that all faith communitie­s are behaving irresponsi­bly.

I am grateful that congregati­ons in the Presbytery of San Jose (PCUSA congregati­ons in Santa Clara, Santa Cruz and Monterey counties) have all been worshiping remotely. Not meeting in person does not mean our church is “closed.” Because we are called to “love our neighbor as ourselves” we care about the health and safety of our entire community, thus we choose to follow the directions of public health officials.

Our First Amendment rights are not in jeopardy. It isn’t about rights, it’s about responsibi­lity.

— Rev. Joseph Lee, Executive Presbyter, The Presbytery

of San Jose, San Jose

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