The Mercury News


- Frank Stewart

Unlucky Louie claims to be a self- made man: He says he started out with nothing and still has most of it. In today’s deal Louie started with more tricks than he ended with.

Against four hearts West led the king of spades. If he had continued with the ace and a low spade, giving East a ruff, Louie could have won the rest to make his game. But West knew from the bidding that East’s deuce was a singleton, hence West led the seven of spades at Trick Two.

East ruffed and led a diamond: queen, king, ace. Louie drew trumps, but if he forced out West’s ace of spades, the defense would cash a diamond. In desperatio­n Louie led a club to the queen. East won and returned a diamond, and Louie, who had begun with 10 winners, found himself staring forlornly at eight.

Louie could blame himself for the second undertrick. Once West, a passed hand, showed the A- K of spades and king of diamonds, he couldn’t have the king of clubs. Louie should have gracefully accepted down one. DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ 9 5 4 ♥ J 10 7 5 ◆ A 8 ♣ A Q 10 4. Your partner opens one diamond, and the next player bids one spade. What do you say?

ANSWER: This common problem is why the “negative double” was devised and became popular. A double, by agreement, shows a heart suit but too few points or too few hearts for a bid of two hearts. Discuss negative doubles with your partner before you start to use them. If you don’t use them or aren’t sure, bid two clubs.

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