The Mercury News

Vintage lenses don’t hold up very well

Many lack electronic contacts, firmware to fully integrate with today’s cameras

- Contact Don Lindich at www. soundadvic­eblog. com and use the “submit question” link on that site.

QI have a 35mm Pentax K1000 SLR camera body and ZX- 7 body with lenses. Which Pentax digital SLR should I get to use with my existing lenses? The lenses are a Tamron 28- 80mm zoom, 70- 300mm macro focusing zoom, and a 135 mm f/ 2.5 telephoto. I am comparing the Pentax K- 30 and K- 50 bodies.

— K. W., South Bend, Ind. AI

will get to my recommenda­tion shortly, but first I would like to detail my own experience using vintage lenses on a new digital SLR.

I have a beloved Tamron 80- 210mm f/ 3.8- 4 zoom lens with the Adaptall- 2 changeable mount. I used this lens all through college and absolutely loved it. It was mid- 1980s vintage and was one of the best zoom lenses of its day, equal or better than competing lenses from Nikon and Canon. I’ve held on to it not only because of sentimenta­l attachment, but also figuring that someday I may have a use for it.

When I switched from a Canon to a Pentax digital SLR system I realized I could use my old Tamron on a new Pentax digital SLR body by changing the Adaptall- 2 mount. I found a Pentax KA- mount with the electronic interface, slapped it on my lens, put it on the camera body and went out to take pictures.

I never used autofocus until I went with a digital SLR system. Now that I was used to it, focusing my Tamron became a chore and I realized how much harder it was to manually focus an old, heavy lens using the smaller viewfinder of a digital SLR. ( The viewfinder of a 35mm SLR is much larger than a digital SLR, unless you have a fullframe camera.) It wasn’t as much fun using my old lens as I thought it would be.

This was enough on its own to dissuade me from using my old lens, but then I saw the results. In a word: yuck. The lens didn’t hold up very well compared to a modern, digitally optimized Pentax lens, even inexpensiv­e ones like the 18- 55mm or 50- 200mm. The images from my Pentax lenses were clearer, crisper, and had better color. It was also much easier to get these results as all the camera functional­ity was retained with the new lenses. Many older lenses lack the electronic contacts and firmware to fully integrate with the new cameras.

What I recommend is you get the K- 30 camera and use the savings vs. the K- 50 toward new lenses. You don’t have to forego the old lenses entirely; in fact the 70- 300mm and 135mm f/ 2.5 could be useful in certain circumstan­ces.

A K- 30 kit with the Pentax 18- 55mm lens sells for about $ 599 online. If you shop carefully you can find the K- 30 kit with both the 18- 55 and 50- 200 lens for under $ 650. This would be an excellent long- term investment, and not much more than the K- 50 body, which usually sells in the low $ 600 range.

This isn’t meant to be a swipe at Tamron or using vintage lenses. Lots of photograph­ers get great results using vintage lenses on digital cameras, especially mirrorless bodies, where a plethora of adapters are available. I don’t recommend vintage as sole or primary lenses, though. The compromise­s in performanc­e aren’t worth it.

 ?? RICOH IMAGING AMERICAS ?? Upgrade option: The Pentax K- 30 digital SLR with the 18- 55mm lens can be found online for $ 599.
RICOH IMAGING AMERICAS Upgrade option: The Pentax K- 30 digital SLR with the 18- 55mm lens can be found online for $ 599.

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