The Mercury News

Court should again stand for equality



Backers of same- sex marriage brought their persuasive arguments to the U. S. Supreme Court this week, culminatin­g years of social progress and legal maneuverin­g to reach this critical point.

The court will not stop the movement toward marriage equality even if it fails to find — though it’s obvious to us — that the Constituti­on guarantees equal rights to all. The wave of acceptance for same- sex unions and the legal rights marriage entails grows ever stronger; younger generation­s increasing­ly see gay marriage as — What’s the big deal?

But if the four conservati­ve justices win the eternal swing- vote of Justice Anthony Kennedy and form a majority to reject the concept of equal treatment, they will set back the cause, stoking rather than quenching the fires of prejudice and nurturing conflict rather than acceptance.

Just as this country evolved to acknowledg­e that African- Americans should not be slaves, that women should be allowed to vote, that all races should have equal opportunit­y to vote and to an education, and that couples should be allowed to marry even if their skin is not the same color, it’s time to take the next step. The Supreme Court can make that step far less painful by declaring marriage rights the law of the land.

It’s significan­t that the NAACP has joined the argument for equal treatment. Imagine if the courts in the 20th century had said it was up to individual states whether to provide “separate but equal” institutio­ns and opportunit­ies.

National support for gay marriage has more than doubled in less than two decades to a solid majority today. An estimated 780,000 Americans are now in same- sex marriages, according to the latest Gallup Poll. Our country has evolved.

Until the high court issues its decision, probably in June, defenders and opponents of gay marriage will parse and re- parse Kennedy’s words, past and recent, looking for clues of his thinking.

A Reagan appointmen­t now in his 25th year on the high court, Kennedy wrote the 2003 decision, Lawrence v. Texas, overturnin­g sodomy laws that targeted gay men. He authored the 2013 ruling, U. S. v. Windsor, that struck down the Defense of Marriage Act’s ban on federal benefits for samesex couples.

In that case, Kennedy wrote that DOMA “demeans the couple, whose moral and sexual choices the Constituti­on protects ... and whose relationsh­ip the State has sought to dignify.”

But Kennedy remains a defender of state’s rights, a core element of the argument for the status quo. He might adopt a fall- back position, refusing to afford gay marriage constituti­onal protection, but requiring states to recognize unions performed where they are legal. That would be better than rejecting the whole concept, but it would perpetuate discrimina­tion and legitimize prejudice.

The issue before the court is not really about gay rights. It’s about the right of all Americans to live in a society that accepts their difference­s and affords equal rights under inheritanc­e and other laws intrinsica­lly tied to legal marriage.

We hope that’s how Kennedy sees it.

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