The Mercury News

SB 32 will aid fight to reduce emissions


The Mercury News is right to advocate making SB 32 law (August 21 Editorial).

Such technology-neutral policies that let all means of CO2 emissions reduction compete on a fair, level playing field should be continued and strengthen­ed. Such policies result in maximum emissions reduction at minimum cost.

Other policies, such as California’s renewable energy mandates, have been ineffectiv­e at reducing power-sector CO2 emissions. The fraction of California’s power generated by fossil fuels has actually increased from 47 percent to 60 percent since 2003, when the renewables mandate policies first took effect.

California’s cap-and-trade policy is technology neutral, but an even more effective approach would be to put a price on CO2 emissions, using policies such as a carbon fee and dividend. James E. Hopf Volunteer, Citizen’s Climate Lobby San Jose

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