The Mercury News

‘Meet a Muslim’ to begin to overcome stereotype­s

- By Samina Masood Samina Masood is executive director of Silicon Valley FACES, a nonprofit providing educationa­l programs to build a community free of bias, bigotry and violence. For more on its series of “Meet a Muslim” forums, go to www.

They say the universe is ruled by the force of synchronic­ity, that whatever is meant to happen, happens at a certain point in time.

That’s why I feel that it’s no coincidenc­e that I am here in San Jose, leading an organizati­on that works to spread unity and fights against bias, violence and bigotry. In these troubled and troubling times, where the national dialogue seems focused on finding ways to discrimina­te based on difference­s, this work is more important than ever.

I was born in Pakistan, I am a Muslim woman, and I am no stranger to prejudice. Often asked where I’m from, answering San Jose doesn’t qualify: “...but where do you come from originally?”

I often wish I could say the name of a more exotic, less disliked country, because I don’t want to be judged as undesirabl­e. It’s so hard to be proud of one’s heritage when that heritage is associated with terrorism.

Growing up in Pakistan — western-educated in a convent school, unlike the vast majority of Pakistanis at that time — wasn’t simple, or enjoyable. I felt I did not belong, and many of my countrymen let me know that loud and clear: I was harassed, belittled, and threatened with imprisonme­nt for not following tradition.

And now, decades later and a naturalize­d American living in an area that prides itself on its embrace of diversity, my physical appearance and accent don’t allow me to fully qualify as an “everyday American.” Who I am is lost in the vortex between where I came from, who I feel like on the inside, and what people think of me based on what I look like. The accent doesn’t help either.

Regardless of heritage, being non-white has the connotatio­n of ‘not one of us.’

Which begs the question, who are we, exactly?

I often say that women immigrants like myself are doomed to be homeless in emotional terms. It’s hard to explain how the green passport continues to haunt you, or rather taunt you, even after you are legally American, even after you stow it away with the rest of your past.

As they say, the past is another country; the problem is, you can destroy the green passport, but you cannot really change the pigmentati­on of your skin. And even in this day and age, and in this Silicon Valley of ours, we have not yet evolved enough to look at each other beyond skin tone: acceptance must be taught.

It would be easy to say just learn to love each other, that love can cure all, and that hate is toxic, but it isn’t easy to love that with which one is not familiar.

At Silicon Valley FACES, we teach the kids we serve to focus on finding similariti­es and shared experience­s to build tolerance of others and to see beyond that which is outwardly obvious. But they, like many adults, always have many questions to be answered and preconceiv­ed notions to address before that appreciati­on can begin.

Acceptance begins with an honest dialogue. It’s the first place to begin to break down the barriers that disunite us, and the only way we’ll live up to our self-image of a community of unity. This week we are beginning a series of ‘Meet a Muslim’ community forums to help build multicultu­ral acceptance. Come join us.

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