The Mercury News

Poor students losing ground

Report cites local schools succeeding in addressing the achievemen­t gap

- By Sharon Noguchi snoguchi@bayareanew­

Despite its wealth and reputation for top public schools, the Bay Area offers a mediocre education to poor students — and is doing an increasing­ly worse job compared to schools in other parts of the state, according to a newly released report.

An annual report by San Jose-based Innovate Public Schools notes wide achievemen­t gaps between poor students and their better-off peers. Based on test scores, only 34 percent of the Bay Area’s low-income students meet state English standards, compared with 75 percent of other students — a gap of 41 percentage points. In math, that achievemen­t gap is 43 percentage points.

But poverty alone doesn’t explain the gap. The non-profit group’s report, “Top Bay Area Schools for Underserve­d Students,” points out that 29 per-

“If we were closing the achievemen­t gap, there would be more schools on the list.” — Carol Hedgspeth, director of research for Innovate Public Schools

cent of non-low-income, African-American students score proficient in math. That’s still below the 32 percent figure for low-income white students.

The report lists schools across the Bay Area that are succeeding in educating low-income Latino and African-American students. But that list of schools whose low-income students at least match the proficienc­y rates of California’s general student population includes only 41 schools, down from 52 schools last year.

“We are disappoint­ed,” said Carol Hedgspeth, director of research and policy for Innovate, which advocates for improving education for low-income students.

“If we were closing the achievemen­t gap, there would be more schools on the list.”

Those top schools, many of them charter schools, are only a fraction of the 568 Bay Area schools that have a significan­t proportion of underserve­d students.

Hedgspeth noted that because student performanc­e improved on state tests this year compared to 2015, the bar was set higher.

Innovate acknowledg­es that test scores capture only a portion of student progress. But the numbers do indicate how well students are prepared for further education and for careers.

The report is troubling because 60 percent of California public schools’ student body come from lowincome families.

Overall achievemen­t in California is low: On the state’s standardiz­ed tests last spring, only 49 percent of students tested met English standards and 37 percent met math standards.

The achievemen­t gap that is leaving behind the children of low-income families, particular­ly African-American and Latino students, has been an pernicious problem that has resisted years of efforts and well-intentione­d campaigns.

But, as the report notes, some schools are succeeding while others continue to struggle. At Lighthouse Community Charter, a high school in East Oakland, 86 percent of low-income Latino students scored proficient in English and 53 percent were proficient in math.

“I’m thrilled to see the hard work of our teachers, students and families being recognized,” said Jenna Stauffer, CEO of Lighthouse Community Public Schools.

Like other educators, she said a multitude of factors contribute to school success. Among the keys at Lighthouse, a K-12 system, are “really strong relationsh­ips with kids from a very young age,” holistic projectbas­ed education and extensive support services, she said.

At Gilroy Prep, a K-8 charter school, 77 percent of low-income Latino students scored proficient in English and 60 percent were proficient in math.

“What’s really nice is that we continue to see positive trajectory,” said James Dent, founder of Navigator Schools, which runs Gilroy Prep and a sister school in Hollister, which posted even higher scores. (Hollister Prep is not listed because Innovate’s report does not include schools in San Benito County.)

Dent credits small-group instructio­n, school culture and constant teacher training. If teaching were a sport, he said, “We’re coaching our basketball players in real time instead of every once in a while talking about x’s and o’s.”

Hedgspeth hopes that by shining a light on the successful schools, their methods will spread to other schools. “It would be great for the Bay Area to do a little bit better next year,” she said.

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