The Mercury News


Wednesday, April 26

- Frank Stewart

Cy the Cynic says that the best things in life are free — and everything else is overpriced. To that I’ll add that declarers benefit from free finesses and should try to compel the defenders to provide them.

In today’s deal, South’s jump to 2NT with three low spades wouldn’t have occurred to me, but some people think stoppers are for children. West led a diamond against 3NT, and East took the queen and then the ace.

When East next led a heart, South took the queen and led the A-K and a third club. He was relieved when East won and led another heart.

South won in dummy, cashed the good clubs, returned a heart to his hand and finessed hopefully with the queen of spades. Alas, East took the king — and his jack of hearts. Down one.

South makes 3NT if he compels East to help him. South must take his heart tricks before he clears the clubs. When East takes the jack, he can cash a heart but must then lead a spade, giving South a free finesse and his ninth trick. DAILY QUESTION:

You hold: ♠ KJ94 ♥ 10952 ◆ AQ ♣ J 7 2. Your partner deals and opens one heart. The next player doubles. What do you say? ANSWER: Many actions are possible. Some players would redouble, planning to support the hearts at the minimum level next. Others would raise directly, perhaps with a convention­al call such as 2NT to show a limit raise. I would accept a temporizin­g bid of one spade, suggesting values in that suit, to help partner evaluate his hand.

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