The Mercury News

2 more arrests in Manchester investigat­ion

Official says member of suspect’s network might be at large

- By Jill Lawless Associated Press

LONDON — British police made two more arrests and stormed three more locations Sunday as they hunted for suspects in the Manchester bombing, while a government minister said members of attacker Salman Abedi’s network may still be at large.

Greater Manchester Police said two men — one 25 years old and the other 19 — were arrested in the city on suspicion of terrorist offenses. Eleven other men between the ages of 18 and 44 also were in custody.

Most of the searches and arrests since Monday night’s bombing have been in multi-ethnic south Manchester, where Abedi — the son of Libyan parents — was born and raised.

Police say that 1,000 people are working on the investigat­ion, trying to track down Abedi’s accomplice­s and piece together his movements in the days before he detonated a bomb at an Ariana Grande concert. The explosion killed 22 — including seven children under 18 — and injured more than 100.

Abedi died in the blast. Investigat­ors say they have dismantled a large part of his network, but expect to make more arrests.

“The operation is still at full tilt,” Home Secretary Amber Rudd said, adding that some suspects could remain at large.

“Until the operation is complete, we can’t be entirely sure that it is closed,” she said.

British police now have 13 suspects in custody and have searched properties across Manchester. A brother and his father have been detained in Libya.

Police have released surveillan­ce-camera images of Abedi on the night of the attack that show him dressed in sneakers, jeans, a dark jacket and a baseball cap. The straps of a backpack are visible on his shoulders.

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