The Mercury News

Is my sibling ‘on the spectrum?’

- Amy Dickinson Contact Amy Dickinson via email at askamy@ amydickins­

DEAR AMY >> Growing up, my 36-yearold brother always acted strangely, but we always chalked it up to the fact that he was shy. As he got older, we just said he was just a loner. But now that

I know more about autism, I believe he may have had this condition his whole life.

As an adult, he hardly interacts with the family — and when he does, he hardly makes eye contact, talks in a monotone, rarely smiles (even when talking about happy topics), and always seems uncomforta­ble.

The family always invites and includes him, but most of us feel uneasy about reaching out to him.

He lives a good life as a single man. He has a steady job and bought a condo. Should I let things continue the way they are, or should I mention my suspicions of his autism to him or the family?

— Curious DEAR CURIOUS >> I can’t definitive­ly identify or diagnose autism spectrum disorder in this context (or any other), but based on what you describe, it does sound as if your brother might be “on the spectrum.”

Identifyin­g his tendencies and behavior and assigning a name to it might provide you with some insight and understand­ing and additional compassion toward your brother, who seems to do well, despite his challenges.

You could explore your theory by reading up on Asperger’s syndrome and autism spectrum disorder.

If you choose to share this with your brother, make sure you do so with an open mind and heart. Don’t present this informatio­n to him as: “Now I know what’s wrong with you.” Say, “This material helped to give me insight, and I thought you’d be interested, too.” He may not be, but knowing more could help you to understand his particular gifts, tendencies and challenges.

DEAR AMY >> I was my father’s guardian — at his request — the last five years of his life. Two of my siblings were upset about his decision and spent those five years inventing ways to discredit me. My other two siblings were happy it was me.

Our father’s last five years were uneventful and he died in his sleep three years ago at the age of 90, leaving us each a generous inheritanc­e.

Since then, one sibling who fought me and one who supported me died.

My surviving siblings and I are in our 60s; our children are in their 40s. We are at a stalemate. Somebody suggested mediation and everyone, except me, rejected it. How can I move on?

— Grieving DEAR GRIEVING >> You can advocate for mediation and communicat­ion, but if your siblings won’t participat­e, you’ll be left holding the ball.

Because of this, you should seek help for yourself. A compassion­ate counselor and/or grief group will help you to unpeel the layers of these interlocki­ng relationsh­ips. Talk, cry, write about it and think of this as something to “go through,” not “get over.”

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