The Mercury News

Man will be executed likely because he’s gay

- By Leonard Pitts Jr. Leonard Pitts Jr. is a Miami Herald columnist. © 2018, Chicago Tribune. Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency.

So it looks like Charles Rhines is going to be executed — and it’s probably because he’s gay.

Well, not only that. There’s also the matter of his committing an especially heinous murder in 1992. Rhines, caught burglarizi­ng a doughnut shop in Rapid City, South Dakota, by an employee named Donnivan Schaeffer, stabbed the 22-yearold in the abdomen and back. Then, as Schaeffer pleaded for his life, Rhines thrust the blade into the base of his skull.

This guy is no hero or martyr. He is undeservin­g of pity.

That said, his sentencing ought to concern anyone who believes in equal justice under the law. It seems that, in deciding what sentence to impose — death or life without parole — jurors worried that, as a gay man, Rhines might enjoy prison.

So they gave him death. Evidence of the effect of Rhines’ sexuality on the panel’s reasoning abounds. Jurors sent the judge a note asking if he would be housed in general population, if he might ever marry or have conjugal visits, if he would have a cellmate. Several jurors later issued sworn declaratio­ns affirming how homophobia warped their deliberati­ons.

One juror said that putting a gay man in prison would be “sending him where he wants to go.” Another quoted a fellow juror as saying Rhines “shouldn’t be able to spend his life with men in prison.” A third reported that, “There was a lot of disgust” in the jury room. “This is a farming community.”

That sort of thinking is idiotic. Unfortunat­ely, it made

sense to the only people whose opinions mattered.

As it happens, the Supreme Court ruled last year that jury deliberati­ons can be impeached if it can be proven they were tainted by racial bias. Rhines’ lawyers reasoned that if racism is enough to question a jury’s decision, homophobia should be, too.

But last week, the court declined to hear Rhines’ appeal. It’s a disappoint­ing decision. If equal justice means anything, it means a judge or jury can’t add a penalty based on some facet of cultural identity, whether grounded in race, religion, sexual orientatio­n, gender or gender identity. Bias has no place in our legal system. The high court had a chance to make that clear, but punted instead.

Rhines got kicked in the teeth by Lady Justice. It couldn’t happen to a more-deserving individual, but the issue at stake is bigger than him.

It’s also bigger than anyone’s position on the death penalty. The view from here is that capital

punishment is a barbaric vestige of frontier justice, biased in just about every way — race, gender, class, geography — that a thing can be. And it’s expensive, immoral and irreversib­le.

But even the person who supports state executions should be unsettled by this non-ruling, should want the questions raised here definitive­ly decided as soon as possible. Either the ideal of equal justice is a foundation of our system — or it is not.

If it is, how can we countenanc­e the notion that sexual orientatio­n — or religion, or race or anything else — can function as a thumb on the scale? That’s not how justice is supposed to work. Whether the sentence is life or death, one thing should be immutably true: In America, you are punished for what you did.

Not for what you are.

 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? The Supreme Court ruled last year that jury deliberati­ons can be impeached if tainted by racial bias. Charles Rhines’ lawyers reasoned that if racism calls a jury’s decision into question, homophobia should, too. But last week, the court declined to...
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Supreme Court ruled last year that jury deliberati­ons can be impeached if tainted by racial bias. Charles Rhines’ lawyers reasoned that if racism calls a jury’s decision into question, homophobia should, too. But last week, the court declined to...

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