The Mercury News

Scandal hits US cardinal before visit with pope

- By Nomaan Merchant

HOUSTON >> As U.S. Catholic leaders head to the Vatican to meet with Pope Francis about a growing church abuse crisis, the cardinal leading the delegation has been accused by two people of not doing enough to stop a priest who was arrested this week on sexual abuse charges.

The two people told The Associated Press that they reported the priest and met with Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of the Archdioces­e of Galveston-Houston. One of them says she was promised in a meeting with DiNardo, several years after she first reported abuse, that the priest would be removed from any contact with children, only to discover that the priest remained in active ministry at another parish 70 miles away.

The priest, Manuel LaRosa-Lopez, was arrested Tuesday by police in Conroe, Texas. Both people who spoke to the AP are cooperatin­g with police.

The priest’s arrest and allegation­s that DiNardo kept an abusive priest around children cast a shadow over a summit today at the Vatican between Pope Francis and American bishops and cardinals. DiNardo is leading the delegation, putting him in the position of having to fend off abuse allegation­s in his own diocese while at the same time calling on the pope to get tougher on clergy abuse.

In addition to his responsibi­lities in Houston, DiNardo is head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

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