The Mercury News

Shayne David McCarthy!!

Our Treasured “Miracle Son” Has gone to Heaven!


Born in San Jose, California on 3/21/1976! Left for his Eternal Home on 9/25/2017 at Spokane, WA!! Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever!!! We are Deeply grateful for so many who fought valiantly to save our blessed son! We especially wish to thank Anne, in ER and Kelly, in the ICU!! Your efforts were so diligent!! It was “time for Shayne to be with his living Lord and Savior! (Holy Family). May the Lord bless Ron, the chaplain, for staying with us for the longest time!! The name of “Jesus” is exalted forever !!!!!! Shayne had Numerous health problems for many years! His back was in horrible condition! Lots of medication­s only made it worse!! The “Good News” is that our son is no longer in pain!!! Glory to our “Healer” who does all things well! Shayne was an organ donor! It was beyond sad to see Shayne walk with such excruciati­ng agony!! He is running, in Jesus victory-now and always! We were married 14 fabulous year when our mighty God shared our “dream come true” child- with us!! We prayed and trusted in God’s Holy Word!! His promise is in Psalm 37:4&5!! The “time” seems to have gone so fast!! Each moment is a priceless gift !!!! Do not waste a second for there is no promise of tomorrow !!!!!! Glorious is Jesus sweetest name!!! Our bestest Shayne was so fun to be with!!! We literally took him everywhere with us for his childhood days!! Shayne would say “Where are we going for “our anniversar­y!!” When our Redeemer directed me into “entertainm­ent business” Shayne was on the journey with us!! He truly enjoyed people- even as a small child!! Shayne was so appreciati­ve of the littlest things!! We surely should have “praise” to our King of Glory for everything he allows us to have! The old song says, “count your blessings, name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done!” When Shayne David started school, it was hard for Mommy to let him go! So, I did not sing as much and went to school too !!!!!!! I helped with each little precious child! Shayne was so kind to the popular and unpopular students throughout all his years of education! The honor goes to our Master for teaching Shayne that “favoritism” has heartache that can last a lifetime! Shayne was in every type of event and program!! He really liked sports and was very involved even though one leg was shorter than the other!! The Lord helped Shayne so amazingly for that is “who He Is!” Shayne was able to touch loads of lives along that pathway!! He was ASB President during high school. The Lord’s doing! Shayne very much enjoyed school for God put “others” in his heart !!!!!!! Jennifer- Shayne loved you deeply always!! Shayne was so enamored with basketball! His desire was to play profession­ally. Even though it was painful he continued during most of his years in school! We were so privileged to never miss a school program or game that Shayne was involved in! When you wait so long for “A Child” you are thrilled with each “new venture!” No words can express “the joys” of all these memories!! Rich is the “goodness of our majestic King of Glory!” Shayne expressed that he thought his coach, Bill Berg, was so fair with every student! He also appreciate­d Steve Ronholt for he felt strove to be a great teacher as well!! Little Mrs. Dodds was a gentle lady! These three teachers were in the Valley Christian School. Shayne loved Carolyn Carter for she was so gifted with Jesus Little ones! She represente­d her Lord so sweetly at Northwest Christian School! Keep on keeping on!!! Our son, Shayne, had two children that were so special to him! Their names are Bailey and Parker. They had such fun times “together!!” Shayne was such a comical person and could relate to children well!! He was happy to be a part of each avenue of their lives!! He was happy to be a part of each avenue of their lives!! I pray their memories will be delightful with their incredible Daddy!! There were such outstandin­g times of talks, laughter and closeness!! Shayne missed few of their school events, if any. Shayne will not have to cry over them anymore. Shayne was such a hard worker!! He had a sensationa­l example in his very own Father!! He had a variety of jobs after school years. He then learned the “delivery service of legal papers.” A real jewel of a gal. Myrna Peters, taught Shayne this business. He was off and running!! He eventually had his own business entitled “SERVER SHAYNE!” Surely that fit Shayne in every way!!! He was so diligent for about 15 years! He really was so glad and pleased to have this job!! Many thanks to our wondrous Guide !!!! Shayne just was such a part of our visiting the sick and hurting as he grew up! He was accustomed to us filling our car with “whomever” wanted to go to church! Shayne loved to feed those on the streets or wherever !!!! We had a mental Hospital visitation time regularly. I think that is where Shayne developed such a love for wounded souls and needy “dear ones!” He was like that all of his adult life as well! Thank God indeed! We can never thank Drew and Tammy Peterson for always being “near to us” in encouragem­ent in so many ways!! May you be richly blessed as you kindly treat others!! We love you beyond words !!!! Many hugs also to the guys at my Sweeties work! Mike and Kalem you are top notch!! Keep up the good work! The “old man” appreciate­s your sympathy, too and how you express your care to us! Shayne liked to love everyone! There is a “special” real friend, in Seattle area who always lifted Shayne up. Real friends love you as you are- not for what you could be and do not keep track of mistakes!! Graig Hogan is Shayne’s longtime faithful buddy!!! He said this about our Shayne: “Shayne is a true friend, with a heart of gold!” Amen! Shayne was just getting ready to move to Seattle. There was a new business adventure in the offing! The adventure Shayne is now having is a forever lasting one !!!!!!! We would like to express our deepest appreciati­on to Greg McNichel and his beautiful family! They were at the hospital much of the time, with us, as we prayed and surrounded our squeezable son with hugs and singing praise to our Lord !!!!!! It was a long nine hours! Jesus unexplaina­ble peace never left us for a moment! We feel Jesus ever present with us, holding us close, in the hollow of his hands!! Shayne and Greg had been longtime friends!! Thanks, Steven and your sugar lumps !!!!!!!! I will interject here how marvelous those dear ones are who gave their life’s blood to try to help our son! Just so remarkable that you care so much for others! May the Lord richly bless you for your sacrifice !!!!!!!! If you can donate blood it is a “way” to help others!!! We never know when “blood” will save “someone” you love beyond belief !!!! After all these 55 splendidio­us years of marriage we are too blessed for words to know so many “real friends” from all over the country! It is a plethora of unbelievab­le dear souls!! Thank you. Holy Father!! Just an enormous amount of gems have gone on to be with their adorable righteous Father, who has always has been and always shall be !!!!!!!! Would like to name just a few who have been here for us, making a difference in our lives! The Halverson gang have been nearby- with their immense concern and love shown!! May you ever know Jesus your cherished lives !!!! Cuddly little ones fill me with smiles too!! The older generation­s were also our beloved ones!!! To my hunk of honey gals at Mica flats! This is a group of ladies that ‘’do hard work for their community” and many more!!! They are a “happy family!” thank you for your tremendous warmth, words of love and cards that we will keep till I leave this earth!! They are not old- just like the song I recorded many years ago! Just getting ‘’Better and Better”! Be strong in the power of the living God!! He reigns Supreme and Forever !!!! Our outstandin­g folks at Green Bluff, Washington remain a constant source of solace!! We lived at Mt. Spokane for about 15 years when the Lord led us here from California, in 1986. Shayne simply loved that big home! I have been privileged to sing at the Bluff for nearly 20 years for Octoberfes­t. I will not be there this time. Thinking of you!!! If you pray and feel his guidance in giving a “love offering” in Shayne’s name that would be superduper !!!!!!!! It is for the little cutest Green Bluff Community Church where a “gentle gem” is pastor! Her name is Helen Dunlap!! I think you would feel “most welcome” to visit- as well !!!!!! Superb teaching from God’s word you will treasure!! Thank you - special Chris Hurd for all your love to us! You help so many! My sensationa­l friend, of 40 years, has prayed for Shayne his whole life! Pat Wood now lives in San Francisco. I was on Women’s Aglow Board with her! Shape still has a bookmark you made him in his wallet. There it will stay! You are amazing gentle friend, for all time! Jesus uses you and will! Your encouragin­g words to me have never been forgotten! Shayne just spoke of your courage last week! You have a grasp on what real friendship means as few others do! So proud to know you! Jesus keeps your other pal about 35 years ago, is our Joan Crosley! I also met Joan at Women’s Aglow. I ministered in Song for her only son’s home going! Your sweetness is. what Shayne recalled !!!! Thank you for your prayers! Let Jesus name be lifted up as we spread His Glorious Name !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you, Barb Hollace! Your prayed muchly, for our “Big Guy”!! Know you phoned others to pray! You are always there for me! You are a live angel like person, to I and my family! May your heart’s desire be fulfilled! Hugs o Heap!! Linda Berg, you are so peaceable!! Your understand­ing is great, in Christ, our King! Know your prayers are nearby! So proud and thankful for your trusted friendship! You are such a giver, for Jesus uplifting!! Yiiipppeee !!!! Evie, my long time big hearted tender hearted little one of Jesus!! Appreciate your faithful prayers and tears for us!!! Shayne knew how deeply you cared about him as well !!!!!!!! Will always love and cherish you beyond knowing! God bless and keep you! You have a gift of being a real prayer warrior! Yea for Jesus!!! Dr. Rod and Dottie Hemp have been in our lives for about 40 years!! How, these folks put “love into action!” This was our dentist! They love our Shayne Man!! Pray for Rod for he is quite ill. Thank you is just not enough!! Love you endlessly! They are from Sunny California! May you know Jesus loves you beyond measure!! Dr. David Mendelson, longtime friend as well! Thank you for helping us bring “this adorable young Man” into this world! Your Messiah holds you close so look to him for all things !!!! Our best thoughts and love are always headed your way !!!!!!! Oh, dandy Dr. Andrew Bright, how we think you tried so very hard to help our “Love Bug” Shayne! The Lord used you mightily to give Shayne bariatric surgery. Shayne truly admired you !!!! You have “A great gift” from the father in heaven! We love you!! We both know how you fought to save Shayne David’s life!!! Shayne thought you were just so kind, Dr. Andrew Ordonoz!! Never give up for you are making a difference in so many lives !!!! So proud to have you in our lives! May Jesus be real to you in all ways! The Lord’s giftings to you are just numerous! So proud to know you! Jesus blessings on you and your cherished family !!!! Shayne asked Christ into his life when he was a small child! We cannot hardly believe that we were able to spend the last month with our son, Shayne! This was a “TRUE MIRACLE!” The “Rock of Ages” can do anything but fail!! We spent “time” laughing, crying and Praying “together!!” He was with us at our home!! It is actually incomprehe­nsible how our God does everything so magnificen­tly!! His plan is perfect for each one of us! Shayne went quite a few days on the truck with his Daddy! What grand times they had - reminiscen­t of lots of memorable years! We mourn Shayne’s leaving us but know he would not want to come back!! The Lord has prepared a home for us!! He is busy with the Saints of all ages! Shayne is riot in pain anymore !!!!!!!! The joy of our Lord is our conquering and abundant strength !!!!!!! One cannot fathom such a peace and care with Jesus ever near !!!!!! Nehemiah 8:10, The Lord’s love is infathomab­le !!!!!!!! The Prince of Peace desires to hold you close at all times !!!!!! We must not let time pass us by for we need to be telling those we come in contact with that we love them most of all, that the Lord Jesus Christ died for them on that ale rugged Cross. It can much more than you realize when you uplift another soul by giving them a kind word! Most folks do not realize that they are “fearfully and wonderfull­y made!” The “Joy” you receive will be more than you can comprehend! Open your mouth, the Bible says, and God will fill it! Give His promises a try!! Jesus cannot fail you as people will! When you tell Jesus your troubles He will not tell anyone! What a good deal! Then, on top of that, he casts your sins into the deepest sea, never to be remembered! The Bible states, when you ask Him into your heart that He takes your sins “as far as East from West!” Does not get any better than that! You will run swiftly with amazing strength as you lean on Jesus as He is strong! Isaiah 40:31. You know, hugs are in the Bible so give them out a lot, too! A smile will make others smile back!! ONLY WHAT WE DO FOR CHRIST WILL LAST !!!!!!!! Our Shayne’s grandparen­ts are Michael and Margaret McCarthy, of Winterset, Iowa, and Naomi and Thaine England, from Atlantic, Iowa. They have passed on. He had great “adopted” grandparen­ts from San Jose, California. How they adored Shayne! Their names are Marvin and Layette Engles!! Shayne brought so much sunshine to his grandparen­ts! So full of laughter!! Thank you, dear Lord !!!! The Lord gave me another thought where you might feel like giving an offering in rememberin­g our dear-heart, Shayne David!! The “Drean Center Church”, of Spokane is Pastored by a precious pair, Dave and Alice Darroch!! Every service is different for they strive to let the Lord direct the way Church is run! There are always testimonie­s of what Jesus does in our lives! Wowsers! Think of that! There is always “time made” for anyone to ask Jesus into their lives! If you need help in some way you might visit! Your hard-earned money will go to help heal broken lives and change them, for God’s Glory!! This is real Church where you will experience the Holy Spirit! Your life could he changed and made new! There is music that lifts up Jesus’s name! We are overcomers by the blood of the lamb and word of our testimony !!!!!!!!! Last, but not least, another Ministry you might consider in Prayer, to give to in Shayne David McCarthy’s memory is the CBN Broadcasti­ng Network or better known as 700 Club. This is a place that reaches the whole world with the Gospel of Christ, and tells that “OUR REDEEMER STILL LIVES” !!!!!!!!!!!!!! They feed millions of hurting souls! They build homes and give free surgeries! They put people to work so they have pride and not just a hand-out!! They are already there when these horrid disasters occur!! You will be encouraged if you listen to the broadcast, I guarantee! They tell of true healings and changed lives by people from all walks of life come to know our Lord! Sincerely think they will use your funds wisely, for helping where needed in most countries of our big God made world !!!!!!!! Thank you, each and every one, for we are magnifying our wondrous Savior for his momentary peace that cannot be explained!! Our Strong Tower never changes! By the way, Jesus is coming, again!! Time is Valuable! Jesus Christ paid a great price on the Cross for You! You need not fear for He will make a way where there is ‘’no way!” You are in the hollow of His hand!! This kind of peace and joy no man can give you or anything can give you! You will not wake up with a hangover with his joy! Even in sorrow he is with You! It is a never-ending story! God’s Word is still true and for today !!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, indeed, we miss the ‘BRIGHT LIGHT” Shayne brought to us and many more!! We cannot question God’s Will, for He knows what is best for You as well!! JESUS REALLY LOVES YOU !!!!!!!!!!!! Just reach out! You will find him right there !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our son is buried at the Pines Cemetery. His soul is with Jesus!! He was “at rest” when the Lord took Shayne home !!!!! Truest thanks to the comfort from Tim Cihal, and sweetie Crystal Weaver, at Fairmount Memorial. Jesus Bless you both and your treasured loved-ones !!!! There will be a Glorious stone honoring Shayne David in months to come, Lord willing!! Look for that and be Blessed!! Treat others as you would like to be treated for Jesus Christ Glory-Alone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Corinthian­s 2:9 “Eye that hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man the things God had prepared for those that love him!” Shayne was told continuall­y how loved he was! He told us that too. He would be playing and say. “I love you mommy!” He gave hugs freely and in front of anyone! He was always hugging someone! We will see you later on and forever “OUR DREAM COME TRUE” LOVE BEYOND MEASURE!

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