The Mercury News

Man of 10,000 lies furthering plan to undermine ‘referees’

- By Leonard Pitts Jr. Leonard Pitts Jr. is a Miami Herald columnist. © 2019, Chicago Tribune. Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency.

“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the referees.”

Admittedly, that is not quite how the famous line from Shakespear­e’s “Henry VI” goes. As you may recall, it was actually the lawyers whose demise was proposed.

But though no one is known to have uttered the words above, they still neatly encompass the strategy conservati­ves have long used against the so-called “liberal media.” Namely, undermine them — and thus, their ability to act as arbiters of truth — with relentless attacks on their credibilit­y.

No less an authority than conservati­ve pundit Charlie Sykes admitted as much in a 2016 interview with journalist Oliver Darcy. “We’ve basically eliminated any of the referees, the gatekeeper­s,” he said of himself and his conservati­ve colleagues.

Sykes spoke during the 2016 campaign when people were still stunned at the barrage of untruths spewing from the Republican candidate.

“We’ve created this monster,” said Sykes. “At a certain point, you wake up and you realize you have destroyed the credibilit­y of any credible (news) outlet out there. And I am feeling, to a certain extent, that we are reaping the whirlwind at that.”

In related news, Donald Trump told the 10,000th lie of his presidency Friday. This, according to The Washington Post, which maintains a database of all the times Trump has exaggerate­d, distorted or misled.

Ten thousand.

And what does Trump lie about? Pretty much everything.

He lies about the border wall, saying it’s now being built. It isn’t.

He lies about his tax cut being the biggest in history. It wasn’t.

He lies about the Mueller report exoneratin­g him. It doesn’t.

Indeed, the very same weekend he notched his dubious milestone, Trump told a particular­ly gruesome whopper about supposed legislatio­n empowering a new mother and her doctor to “determine whether or not they will execute the baby.”

The New York Times called this flaming canard “inaccurate,” which raised a stink on Twitter. Calling it “inaccurate” is like saying the Titanic was “delayed.”

Most news organizati­ons have resisted calling Trump’s lies lies. Their reasoning is thoughtful. To call something a lie is to impose judgment. Sometimes, when people are incorrect it’s not a lie, only a mistake.

But 10,000 times in a little over two years? How could someone be that wrong that often by accident? If any other man told you half that many untruths, you’d call him a liar. You wouldn’t hesitate. Yet here, we do.

It sets an extraordin­ary precedent for a news organizati­on to brand a president a liar. But these are extraordin­ary times and a liar, brazen and inveterate, is precisely what Trump is. In their refusal to call him that, in giving him the benefit of nonexisten­t doubt, news media compromise their prime directive, which is to present a picture of the world as it is.

That’s something we can ill afford with the very idea of truth under attack and the need for news media to do their jobs arguably more critical than ever.

This is a time for forthright­ness, yet too often journalist­s are anything but, from coverage of race, to climate change to this, as the newspaper of record dubs a grotesque lie merely “inaccurate.”

It makes you wonder if all the effort conservati­ves put into neutering the referees was not a waste of time.

Seems the referees have done a fair job of neutering themselves.

 ?? DREW ANGERER — GETTY IMAGES ?? Donald Trump told the 10,000th lie of his presidency Friday. This, according to The Washington Post, which maintains a database of all the times Trump has exaggerate­d, distorted or misled.
DREW ANGERER — GETTY IMAGES Donald Trump told the 10,000th lie of his presidency Friday. This, according to The Washington Post, which maintains a database of all the times Trump has exaggerate­d, distorted or misled.

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