The Mercury News

Democrats want to impeach Kavanaugh? Sounds good to me!

- By Marc A. Thiessen Marc Thiessen is a Washington Post columnist.

WASHINGTON >> The latest smear on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is a disaster for Democrats, and everyone seems to know it except the party’s presidenti­al candidates.

No sooner had The New York Times published a new, unsubstant­iated allegation of sexual misconduct by Kavanaugh than most of the candidates demanded Kava-naugh’s impeachmen­t. “These newest revelation­s are disturbing,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-mass., wrote on Twitter, adding, “Like the man who appointed him, Kavanaugh should be impeached.” Sen. Kamala Harris, D-calif., declared Kavanaugh’s “place on the Court is an insult to the pursuit of truth and justice. He must be impeached.” Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT., South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, former Obama housing secretary Julián Castro and former congressma­n Beto O’rourke joined in with impeachmen­t calls of their own. Even former Vice President Joe Biden demanded Congress open an investigat­ion and “follow the evidence to wherever it leads.” That was considered the restrained response in the Democratic field.

Never mind that the supposed victim has told friends she has no recollecti­on of the alleged incident; facts have never stood in the Democrats’ way when it comes to Kavanaugh before. If the Democratic presidenti­al contenders want to see Kavanaugh impeached, I say go for it. Open the investigat­ion Biden has demanded. Start impeachmen­t hearings. And broadcast it for all of America to see.

Let’s remind voters of the disgracefu­l confirmati­on process Kavanaugh faced. Let’s relive how Democrats accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting a teenage girl, exposing himself to college classmate and participat­ing in gang rapes at high school parties — all without a shred of corroborat­ing evidence. Let’s rehash Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation­s, but this time with the knowledge that the principal witness Ford named to her alleged assault, Leland Keyser, is now on record saying she doesn’t believe Ford. Let’s remind Americans how Senate Democrats denied Kavanaugh the presumptio­n of innocence.

That sure worked out well for Democrats last time around. In 2018, the Kavanaugh debacle may have cost Democrats control of the Senate. Sens. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., Joe Donnelly, D-ind., and Claire Mccaskill, D.-MO., lost their seats, while Democrats blew a chance to pick up GOP seats in Tennessee and Texas. As Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell, R-KY., said then, the Kavanaugh hearings were “like an adrenaline shot” for the Republican base. Now, Democrats want to bring out the hypodermic needle for the 2020 elections. Sounds good to me!

On Capitol Hill, Democratic leaders know this a path to disaster. Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin, D-ill., told his party’s presidenti­al contenders calling for Kavanaugh’s impeachmen­t to “get real.” “We’ve got to get beyond this ‘impeachmen­t is the answer to every problem,’ ” Durbin said. “If that’s how we are identified … we run the risk that people will feel we’re ignoring the issues that mean a lot to them as families.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-calif., was even more succinct. Asked if the House was going to investigat­e the new allegation, she said “no.”

Durbin and Pelosi understand that the threats to impeach Kavanaugh are a godsend for Trump. And they come in the wake of Senate Democrats warning that if the high court doesn’t rule as Democrats wish in a gun case, they could “restructur­e” the court when they take power in the 2020 elections — packing it with liberal justices, flipping a 5-to-4 conservati­ve majority to a liberal majority.

Democrats don’t seem to realize these threats aren’t hurting Kavanaugh or Trump, they’re hurting themselves. The Washington Post reports that in 2016, “26% of Trump voters told pollsters Supreme Court nominees were the most important factor in their voting, compared with only 18% of Hillary Clinton voters who said the same.” As we have seen in the past two elections, when the Supreme Court is on the ballot, Democrats lose.

In other words, Democrats should not want voters to be thinking about Brett Kavanaugh or liberal court packing when they cast their ballots in 2020. Republican­s should. So, let the impeachmen­t proceeding­s begin.

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