The Mercury News

The new name for disease is COVID-19

World Health Organizati­on says name met guidelines

- By John Woolfolk jwoolfolk@bayareanew­

It doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. But global health authoritie­s want you start calling humanity’s latest deadly coronaviru­s COVID-19.

World Health Organizati­on Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s announced the new name this week, which he said met guidelines among WHO, the World Organisati­on for Animal Health and the Food and Agricultur­e Organizati­on of the United Nations.

“We had to find a name that did not refer to a geographic­al location, an animal, an individual or group of people, and which is also pronouncea­ble and related to the disease,” the director general said. “Having a name matters to prevent the use of other names that can be inaccurate or stigmatizi­ng. It also gives us a standard format to use for any future coronaviru­s outbreaks.”

Will it catch on with the public, which already has become accustomed to referring to the disease as coronaviru­s, after the family of pathogens that causes it? Well, the broader name also describes viruses that cause Severe Acute Respirator­y Syndrome and Middle East Respirator­y Syndrome,

better known as SARS and MERS.

But COVID-19? Really? The logic behind COVID-19 is that it stands for COrona VIrus Disease and the year, 2019, it emerged.

“It’s a little clunky and not as evocative,” said Wendy E. Parmet, director of Northeaste­rn University’s Center for Health Policy and Law. “But in some ways the purpose is to try not to be evocative and to give it the baggage and associatio­n of other diseases.”

Whatever happened to the colorful and descriptiv­e terms of the past — plagues, poxes, scarlet and yellow fevers, sleeping sickness?

Parmet said often they predated the identifica­tion of the pathogen that causes them, emerging at a time when illnesses were associated with bad air or an imbalance of body fluids known as humors. Today, such colorful but imprecise terms might frustrate efforts to coordinate a global public health response.

“Historical­ly, some of these terms have been used to cover a bunch of different things,” Parmet said. “The term ‘plague’ historical­ly has been applied to many different diseases.”

Naming diseases after places or animals from which they might have originated is fraught for other reasons. It can cause economic harm to places or industries while fostering false assumption­s about exposure risk.

“They’re trying to do them so as not to annoy any regional areas,” said Dr. Arnold S. Monto, professor of epidemiolo­gy and global public health at the University of Michigan. “It goes back to HIV, which emerged we think from Africa and was considered stigmatizi­ng at that point. Africans didn’t like us saying it came from Africa.”

“It’s a little clunky and not as evocative. But in some ways the purpose is to try not to be evocative and to give it the baggage and associatio­n of other diseases.”

— Wendy E. Parmet, director of Northeaste­rn University’s Center for Health Policy and Law

Regional disease names have continued — Zika, Ebola — but Monto said, “We’ve been getting more and more sensitive to that.”

Parmet noted that the 1918 global influenza epidemic often was referred to as Spanish flu, though it had nothing to do with the European country. But more importantl­y, associatin­g diseases with regions can make local authoritie­s reluctant to share informatio­n about emerging infectious diseases. There were concerns many were calling the coronaviru­s outbreak — oops, COVID-19 — Wuhan flu after the Chinese city where it first appeared.

“If a community or city worries if they’ll be tagged throughout history with the name of a disease, it increases their reluctance to coming forward and sharing with the world that there’s something going on here,” Parmet said.

Naming diseases after animals also is problemati­c — the term swine flu hurt the pork industry, and experts say it also can lead people to needlessly kill animals out of fear they will spread disease.

What about naming the diseases after people — like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Lou Gehrig’s disease, named after the pathologis­ts who first described them or famous figures who were afflicted by them? Hansen’s disease, after all, was considered an improvemen­t over the better-known but deeply stigmatize­d term leprosy.

But experts say that identifyin­g diseases with people carries other problems.

“I don’t think people want to be associated with infectious disease,” Parmet said. “And some of the people you name it after have got their own baggage, or there are disputes about who recognized it first.”

Naming diseases is actually harder than it might seem, Parmet said, noting that companies spend lots of money on experts and focus groups to name their products.

“It’s hard come up with something that doesn’t sound bureaucrat­ic but is not offensive or misleading in another language,” Parmet said.

However, COVID is also the name of an electronic­s company, The company didn’t answer requests for comment about COVID-19.

COVID-19, it should be noted, refers to the disease, not the pathogen.

The Internatio­nal Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, which is responsibl­e for developing the official classifica­tion of viruses, has tentativel­y proposed naming the 2019 novel coronaviru­s SARS-CoV-2 because of its close similarity to the germ that causes SARS.

WHO came up with its new naming protocols in 2015, citing concerns that “the use of names such as ‘swine flu’ and ‘Middle East Respirator­y Syndrome’ has had unintended negative impacts by stigmatizi­ng certain communitie­s or economic sectors.” Parmet said the benefits to public health and science of the new naming protocols outweigh their clunkiness.

“When we win in science, we lose in colorful prose,” Parmet said. “I think it’s a good bargain. COVID-19 might catch on, I suppose — no pun intended.”

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