The Mercury News

Readers express praise for San Jose’s street safety plan


QI was really disappoint­ed about your recent Vision Zero columns. The core principle of Vision Zero is that human life is more important than driver convenienc­e. If we can’t accept the idea of slowing down commutes so others survive the day, then that is sad.


AMost complaints roared in from motorists upset about lanes being removed, narrowed, turns restricted, signals shortened and bicycle lanes installed. Some labeled those ideas a failure. Today, another view.

QI can’t believe people are willing to sacrifice a few seconds shaved off their commute for human lives. Vision Zero means no more unnecessar­y deaths of pedestrian­s. It aims to make the streets safer for all.

It’s absolutely bizarre to me that there’s opposition to this. If you want to get somewhere quick, we have freeways designed for that. But a 25 mph residentia­l street is 25 mph for a reason. Do these people really want to run over a kid just to get to work quicker?

— Michael Foster, San Jose

AOf course not.

QI am neither a pedestrian nor a bicyclist due to physical limitation­s, but I still support the Vision Zero changes. I see pedestrian­s and bicyclists dealing with speeders, red light runners, and self-absorbed people who think their schedule is more important than the lives of everyone around them.

Changing street designs to help keep them safe is a worthy goal and needs to be expanded.

It saddens me that the “me first” people complainin­g apparently think that the safety of others is less important than their own selfish convenienc­e. — Rick Douglas,

San Jose




The worst thing that we as a culture have done is to build our cities and suburbs to accommodat­e cars as the principal method of personal transporta­tion. We are not willing to pay our government the taxes that it will take to build our way out of congestion. Given our current transporta­tion situation, every reasonable person has a visceral understand­ing of the need for less driving and fewer cars.

We can reduce driving by making it more expensive and less convenient to use a single occupant automobile. However, people will change their driving habits only when the alternativ­es make sense for them. Vision Zero is just a nudge in that direction.

— Ole Ohlson,


AIt’s a nudge that’s going statewide and could include a push for speed cameras. We might know in another year.

QThanks for agreeing to tackle the Vision Zero debacle. It’s a very emotional subject.

— Laura Winter, San Jose A Now that is an understate­ment.

Join Gary Richards for an hourlong chat at noon today at www. mercurynew­ Contact Gary at 408-920-5335.

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GAry RiCHARDS Columnist

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