The Mercury News

Reform California’s legal system to close justice gap

- By Constandin­os “Deno” Himonas and Ann A. Scott Timmer Constandin­os “Deno” Himonas is a Utah Supreme Court Justice. Ann A. Scott Timmer is an Arizona Supreme Court Vice Chief. They wrote this for CalMatters.

As judicial officers who are closely involved in our states’ efforts to increase access to justice, we strongly support California’s proposal to license a new group of legal profession­als to help people navigate everyday legal problems.

Study after study highlights the vast “justice gap” between the need for civil legal services and the resources available to address those needs. For example, a 2020 study in Utah found that more than twothirds of lower income respondent­s could not afford a lawyer if they needed one. A 2017 Arizona survey found that only 46% of households that experience­d a legal problem found legal aid or a private attorney.

The situation is just as dire in California, where a comprehens­ive 2019 survey found that 55% of California­ns at all income levels experience­d at least one civil legal problem in their household. Yet they received inadequate or no legal help for an astonishin­g 85% of those problems.

This justice gap is unacceptab­le. And it’s growing.

The legal profession must consider regulatory reform if we ever hope to make progress on this long-standing, intractabl­e problem.

This gap has real consequenc­es for people struggling to resolve their problems, whether it’s getting a divorce or getting a conviction expunged. This gap also puts judges in the difficult position of trying to help unrepresen­ted litigants understand complicate­d court rules and procedures.

Notably, Americans spent more on Halloween costumes for their pets in 2014 than the federal government spent on civil legal aid. And according to a 2016 ABA report, “U.S. lawyers would have to increase their pro bono efforts … to over 900 hours each to provide some measure of assistance to all households with civil legal needs.”

Something is fundamenta­lly wrong with our system. We need to rethink how legal services are delivered. Such comprehens­ive overhaul requires regulatory reform.

Other profession­s have accomplish­ed regulatory reform, and we should be guided by their experience.

For example, in the medical field many of us have grown accustomed to seeing a nurse practition­er instead of a doctor for routine medical care. We realize that we don’t always need someone with a doctor’s training level.

The same can be said of legal services. Our current system relies on highly trained and highly compensate­d attorneys. But for many common situations, a legal profession­al with the proper training and experience could provide appropriat­e advice and counsel. These situations include debt collection, landlordte­nant disputes and some family law problems.

It’s important that regulatory reform allow for shared ownership between lawyers and the other profession­als who are licensed to provide legal assistance. Encouragin­g these partnershi­ps will help drive down prices and ensure that a lawyer’s services are available if needed. And consumers will benefit from having access to affordable legal help.

One of the biggest challenges is overcoming opposition from the legal community itself. We understand why some lawyers might worry. This is a natural reaction when people feel their income is being threatened, even if, as here, that fear is largely unjustifie­d.

To them, we emphasize that consumers, many of whom are our friends, family and neighbors who would be served by this new breed of legal profession­al, would not otherwise hire lawyers. We also remind them that our obligation is to our community and the greater good and not our bank accounts.

Indeed, the preamble to the ethics rules provides that, “The profession has a responsibi­lity to assure that its regulation­s are conceived in the public interest and not in furtheranc­e of parochial or self-interested concerns of the bar.”

And the consumer very much wants this representa­tion. A poll in Arizona found that more than 80% of the public favored a new tier of legal service provider.

In the end, we believe that a rising tide lifts all boats, and expanding access to justice will ultimately boost the legal profession as well as the consumers who are desperate for help.

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