The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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Upper Pottsgrove with all its trails isn’t solving other people’s problems that occur between neighbors who create problems with dogs and violating the people’s property. Stop with the fluff commission­ers and help people who are being victimized. Trails aren’t solving these problems that exist in our township. Start helping the taxpayers.

I was in Fort Myers, Fla., last week when I saw a bumper sticker on a parked car that read. “I miss Detroit.” So I broke the window, stole the radio, shot out two tires, added an Obama bumper sticker and left a note that read “I hope this helps.”

Jim Dandy

Two hundred years ago before the war, King George taxed us at 3 percent. Today we allow the Democrats like Obama and Wolf to continuall­y pound us with ever increasing taxes and yet we never seem to wise up. It’s such an easy lesson to learn. Democrats will always tax and spend whether they have the money or not. It’s in their make up. It’s what they do. It’s very predictabl­e.

Truth Be Told

Now that we’ve entered storm and hurricane season, it’s important that drivers watch out for the “rain” deer.


To the angry misguided soul constantly accusing Christians of hypocrisy, you seem to believe that being a good Christian means accepting and condoning any type of behavior. You must remember that while Jesus forgave the serial adulteress he also instructed her to “go and sin no more.” The two are not mutually exclusive and accepting universal principles of right and wrong does not mean Christians are hypocrites.

Fall is in the air and all our signs are popping up from politician­s wanting to make a career out of it. Choose wisely in all your votes.

John from Mont Clare, about your article about the Popes, only one good one in thousands? Really?

This is to all the people who are saying that Kim Davis met with the Pope. It was a group meeting. She never met with him personally. She was just one of a bunch of people. The person he did meet with was one of his former employees who came out as gay and he actually shook his hand, hugged him and greeted him like an old friend. Get your story right.

Dean from Gilbertsvi­lle

The person in Sunday’s Sound Off who was talking about pigs being very unclean and it’s in the Bible, you ought to read the rest of the Bible because you’re talking about old time Jewish dietary laws which under the new contract with Jesus and his message is no longer in effect. We’re free to do either as we please according to the scripture.

I’d like to thank everybody who came out this past dreary Saturday and supported Cat Naps at the mini golf course and also Sunday at the Brew Fest who came out and supported the Pet Fair which is still seeking donations for this year’s Pet Fair. Cat Naps is taking as many cats off the streets as possible finding homes for them, making this town better and also a better life for the animals. We’re also going to be at Boscov’s Coventry Mall on Saturday. Thanks for all your support.

Bill the Cat Guy

Don’t worry about the low test scores in these schools. You know after all they’re learning some football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey, band, cheerleadi­ng and who knows what else. So all is not lost. So just don’t worry, it’s all fine.

Sixty-three wins, 99 losses. Way to go Phillies. Also with the ninth highest payroll of almost $143 million. Twenty-one other teams spending less money have a better record. It’s time to clean the house with the overpaid bums. On another note, the Eagles don’t look much better.


This is in response to John from Mont Clare concerning parents are responsibl­e to teach their children. Why do we have schools? That’s why we pay taxes, for the teachers to teach them. We’re too busy helping the children do their homework for two or three hours a night. Get real.

LGBT is picketing Chick-fil-A in New York City. They don’t agree with the owner’s religious police. Everyone has a right to our own beliefs. Does the LGBT realize they have a mother, a woman, and a father, a man? They wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t so.

This is for the parents that have children. I was always brought up that you should be seen and not heard. This is for all the businesses, restaurant­s, laundromat­s and anything else that have places for kids. Keep your kids under control. They don’t need to scream and yell and run. It’s annoying to everyone.

Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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