The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Terrorism has a long history in Great Britain

- James F. Burns is a retired professor at the University of Florida.

Could the terrorist attack on British Parliament be a cultural canary-in-the-coal-mine for us? Will the London attacker who repeatedly plunged a knife into a policeman guarding Westminste­r be celebrated by some Brits as a modern-day Guy Fawkes?

Who was Guy Fawkes? A British-born citizen nabbed while guarding gunpowder beneath the House of Lords, the intent being to assassinat­e King James I and restore a Catholic monarchy to the throne. Had his Gunpowder Plot of 1605 — still commemorat­ed in Britain every November 5th as Guy Fawkes Day — been successful, we would have been deprived of the 1607 colonizati­on of Jamestown and the 1611 King James Version of the Bible.

While the four-centuries-old Guy Fawkes plot is observed in a light-hearted manner, virtually every terrorist attack today is celebrated somewhere, often in proportion to the number killed. Make no mistake, 9/11 was celebrated in pockets of anti-Americanis­m around the world and the hijackers hailed as martyred heroes. Because terrorists often spring from minority communitie­s, our own American admiration of the victimized underdog can become twisted into a sick form of political correctnes­s that cannot call a spade a spade.

Why did fellow soldiers not report Major Nidal Hasan when he lectured on the efficacy and merits of suicide bombing? When he was known to style himself as a Soldier of Allah? When he bought guns and ammunition as part of his own Gunpowder Plot? Evidently fear of a politicall­y-correct backlash of Islamic phobia kept everyone silenced until Major Hasan triumphant­ly shouted “Allahu Ahkbar” and opened fire at Fort Hood, killing 13 unarmed soldiers.

And even then, our government could not bring itself to label Major Hasan as a terrorist, his shooting spree being but a case of “workplace violence.” You know, going postal. When we can’t see the nose on our face because we won’t look in the mirror, the PC epidemic has run amok.

It’s more than obvious that large immigrant communitie­s that are not assimilate­d into a country’s cultural traditions can become a breeding ground for terrorists, often native-born secondand third-generation young males who feel justified in taking violent revenge for their community’s isolation, unemployme­nt, and poverty.

I’m familiar with attacks on Parliament. When my family of five visited there in 1979, I clearly recall walking past the gaping hole which was simply the entrance to an undergroun­d garage under Westminste­r. Shades of Guy Fawkes.

A week later a member of Parliament, Airey Neave, a war hero and close confidant of Margaret Thatcher who was tabbed to be her Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, was blown to bits by an Irish terrorist car-bomb fitted with a tilt switch that activates the bomb when the car drives uphill to exit the undergroun­d garage at Westminste­r.

On one of my eight trips to London and Belfast to study, teach, and write about the Irish Troubles, I was hosted at Westminste­r by an MP named Ian Gow. Several years later Ian turned the ignition key on his car; he died instantly from an IRA car bomb.

Terrorism, whether homegrown or imported, has not yet — and hopefully won’t — become an epidemic in our country.

Diversity and multi-culturalis­m are wonderful — up to the point where people utterly reject a country’s right to rule and attack it with knives, bombs, bullets and destabiliz­ing vital infrastruc­ture as cyber warfare. Welcome to America — but please love our country and follow our rules.

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