The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Time to end federal marijuana prohibitio­n


As more states continue to liberalize marijuana possession laws, the feds are not willing to budge.

The U.S. Justice Department is reviewing federal marijuana enforcemen­t policy through the Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the move April 5, with the aim of ensuring “consistenc­y with the Department’s overall strategy on reducing violent crime and with administra­tion goals and priorities.”

From asserting “good people don’t smoke marijuana” to recently expressing surprise more people aren’t enthused by his anti-marijuana stance, Sessions’ position as head of the DOJ understand­ably makes supporters of legalizati­on nervous.

As much as supporters of legalizati­on dislike it, Sessions would be well within his authority to prioritize enforcemen­t of federal laws against marijuana, even in states that have voted to legalize it, because federal law trumps state law.

Marijuana is officially a Schedule I drug under the U.S. Controlled Substances Act of 1970, which designates the drug as having no accepted medical use, a high potential for abuse and a lack of safety even under supervisio­n, thereby prohibitin­g it.

There has been considerab­le debate for decades about whether such restrictiv­e standards should apply to marijuana, or whether its scheduling makes sense considerin­g alcohol and tobacco aren’t scheduled but are potentiall­y more dangerous than marijuana.

But while the Obama administra­tion chose to take a handsoff approach when it came to states that voted to legalize marijuana for recreation­al and medicinal purposes, the future is less clear under the Trump administra­tion.

On the campaign trail, Trump made numerous statements indicating he preferred to let states make their own choices, a perfectly reasonable position given that nowhere in the U.S. Constituti­on could one find any mention of drug policy as a legitimate focus of the federal government.

Trump’s campaign speak aligns with the current state of the country.

Most states, 28 in fact, have passed laws approving marijuana for medicinal use, while eight have approved the legalizati­on of marijuana for recreation­al and medicinal use. Polls by Gallup and Pew have found nationwide support for legalizati­on as high as 60 percent.

Earlier this month, the governors of the first four states to legalize marijuana for recreation­al use, Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington, sent a letter to Sessions and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin requesting the status quo of the Obama administra­tion remain intact.

Fundamenta­lly, there is a relatively straightfo­rward way of resolving the conflict between federal and state laws: Removing marijuana entirely from the Controlled Substances Act, leaving to the states the choice of how to deal with marijuana.

Several bills have been proposed in the Congress to do this.

These includes “The Path to Marijuana Reform,” a package of bills introduced by Sen. Ron Wyden and Rep. Earl Blumenauer, both of Oregon, which would not only deschedule marijuana but ensure marijuana businesses access to banking services.

There’s also the “Ending Marijuana Prohibitio­n Act of 2017,” introduced by Republican Rep. Tom Garrett of Virginia and Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, which would also give states freedom to choose.

Rather than wait for the possibilit­y of a crackdown, the Congress should respect the wishes of the American people and put an end to the decadeslon­g embarrassm­ent of federal marijuana prohibitio­n.

Marijuana is a Schedule I drug under the U.S. Controlled Substances Act of 1970, designatin­g it as having no accepted medical use, a high potential for abuse and a lack of safety.

— Los Angeles Daily News, Digital First Media

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