The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Cry for these little girls, not O’Reilly

- Christine Flowers Columnist

I could have saved Bill O’Reilly a lot of grief. Bill could have gotten away with almost anything if he’d just stayed away from those college-educated ladies so eager to get their faces on television, and focused on mutilating little girls, like the doctor in Michigan who was just indicted by the Justice Department.

Yes, he’d have to deal with felony charges, like Dr. Jumana Nagarwala.

But no one would know about it, Fox wouldn’t be worried about the ratings dive and all of the sponsors would continue sending their money into the No Spin Zone.

How do I know that no one would be paying any real attention to Bill the Mutilator?

Because very few people are interested in the sordid, sickening events that occurred in Detroit. True, a Google search of the name “Jumana Nagarwala” yields 483,000 results, which seems like a lot.

But plug in “Bill O’Reilly sexual harassment” and you get, at last count, 2,970,000 results, all of which have something to do with the Fox host’s penchant for making unwelcome overtures to women not his wife.

I was going to write about Jumana Nagarwala this week anyway, as a follow up to a previous column on a client who herself had been subjected to the procedure known as FGM when she was a child in West Africa. In that earlier piece, I’d mentioned how my client was fighting for asylum to protect her own daughter, a U.S. citizen, from being exposed to the practice if she were deported back to her native country.

It was inconceiva­ble to me that this vile, barbaric custom had invaded the United States, and I was profoundly grateful that Jeff Sessions, the socalled racist hate monger, was filing charges against a doctor whose own defense attorney said she was simply engaging in a “religious practice.”

I was about 500 words into that column when word came down that Bill O’Reilly had lost his job at Fox because he’d sexually harassed a bunch of women over a 15-year period.

I’m sure that violated some workplace protection­s, but it’s light years removed from strapping a frightened child into a chair, spreading out her legs and cutting into the most private part of her body in the name of “custom,” “religion” and “health.”

The little girls who are the alleged victims of this alleged monster in Detroit had no power.

They were brought to this fiendish medical profession­al by their own parents, who I hope will also be charged with felonies.

They were taken alone into rooms, and without any warning, had their futures cut out from them with brutal efficiency. They were the weakest of the weak.

Their story elicited one fifth the interest of a horny old man coming on to a bunch of women.

That, my friends, is the problem with feminism.

There is a disproport­ionate concern for the educated, upper middle class woman and her delicate sensibilit­ies, and not enough interest for the poor, the illiterate, the immigrant, and the children.

It is hypocrisy of mammoth proportion­s, and it makes my heart bleed.

Here’s the irony, ladies. The so-called sexist, racist, homophobic attorney general is the only one who has ever filed criminal charges against someone who mutilated the genitals of a child.

Not Janet Reno. Not Alberto Gonzalez. Not Eric Holder. Not Loretta Lynch.

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is the one who took his oath seriously.

As far as O’Reilly is concerned, I’m not shedding any tears. He’s obnoxious and rich, and he’ll be just fine.

My sorrow is for those little girls in Michigan, the ones who weren’t sexy enough to engage the feminists and their fellow travelers, the ones Lisa Bloom doesn’t give a damn about, the ones who will never again feel safe in a doctor’s office.

But they’re not entirely alone. Even though the media and the feminists are unconcerne­d, there’s still Uncle Jeff, that damn sexist, to look out for them.

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