The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Read what friends and neighbors have to say


Take a look at what friends and neighbors are saying about local hot topics and join in on the conversati­on.

Bless your heart my Democratic neighbors. It looks like you lost a couple more special elections in South Carolina and Georgia. When are you going to wake up and realize the Democrat Party has left the average working middle class American? If you keep listening to Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer and Elijah Cummings and all the regulars you’re going to keep losing more elections. Don’t you guys get it yet?

It’s a shame that 22-year-old American college student who was detained and beaten up in North Korea for over 17 months which was mostly on Obama’s watch came home for six days and then passed away from what they did to him. Shame on you President Obama for not lifting a finger to try to get him out after you were told what was happening. Why not? Because you were probably too busy at the time campaignin­g all over for crooked Hillary. Now a young life is gone. Al

There’s no money to fix the Keim Street bridge but we can afford to move the guard rail and tear up the concrete curbing to put in a very essential bike lane on Industrial Highway. Who is making these decisions?

The Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) wants to make contact with representa­tives of the ladies society to beautify Annie Wittenmyer’s grave in the Pottstown Cemetery. The WCTU will visit the grave in July. Please contact Sarah Ward at 765-3452306 right away.

I think Gov. Wolfe needs to call out protection from the thugs that plan to destroy Civil War memorabili­a at Gettysburg National Park on July 1. Why is the media mum on this news? Grizz K.

Responding to the caller about the Vince Foster incident, you do know that that was not a suicide?

Judge Steven O’Neill on the Cosby trial should be thrown off the bench for bias against jurors. He should have never released their identities. Now I don’t blame anyone for refusing to serve on jury duty. This is An Absolute Outrage

It’s sad when the president of the United States cuts funding for the people that do the job of maintainin­g the buildings of the people that built this country. History is being forgotten so he can save money there. But don’t worry folks he has jobs for his family. So the heck with history, the Trumps are taken care of. That’s all that matters. Fact

I see where President Obama and Michelle Obama donated $2 million to Chicago’s low-income kids’ summer employment in Chicago. That’s more jobs than Donald Trump created the whole time that he’s bragging about. Jay Miller

I was driving down High Street the other day and I noticed a guy out there watering the trees. Looks like Pottstown’s on the way up. You’re doing a good job Tom. Keep doing it. Billy the Kid To the person about the school luncheons, we’ve been throwing away lunches before Mrs. Obama even became first lady. Why don’t you ask the other people that went to school before Mrs. Obama’s became first lady? Those lunches were terrible.

I’m looking for the mailbox man. He used to offer custom mailboxes at the flea market that was across from the Specks Restaurant in Limerick. I was his customer back in the late 80s. I think he was from Gilbertsvi­lle. Any informatio­n will be helpful.

Jeff Sessions, present attorney general and one of Trump’s lying cronies, belongs in a skilled nursing home. During the recent congressio­nal hearings he said “I can’t recall” 14 times in conversati­ons he had with various Russian diplomats and Trump about Russia’s interferen­ce in this past year’s presidenti­al election. This guy has an advanced state of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Can we get him admitted somewhere? Help this man out.

Up on State Street I really wish someone else would put a grocery store back in there where the old Giant was. I don’t like crossing Route 100 at all. It’s too dangerous and I’m just tired of going through all the traffic lights out to the Redner’s in the North End. Please open up another grocery store there. Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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