The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Read what friends and neighbors have to say


Take a look at what friends and neighbors are saying about local hot topics and join in on the conversati­on.

In regards to the events that have just taken place in Charlottes­ville, how many people remember when the KKK had a rally in Boyertown not too many years ago and they were welcomed there? How many people remember this?

Though we go through trouble and heartache we can face them without fear. Just remember when life gets too hard to stand, kneel. Mom

We hear all this whining in the news media about how President Trump shouldn’t talk tough to North Korea, how we should just keep taking it while this guy threatens to nuke us. This news media they aren’t insane, they’re traitors, they’re propagandi­sts. If their attitude prevailed 70 some years ago my father and my uncles wouldn’t have gone to war after Japan shot at us first. That’s all President Trump said, basically, you shoot at us, you’re going to pay. Wake up.

This is a verified fact. President Trump is the biggest two-faced person on the face of this earth. Fact

Does anyone know where I can get a flag holder for a soldier that is buried in Edgewood Cemetery?

I see they’re taking down statues of Confederat­e soldiers. What’s next — burning books, denying the history of the Civil War? Pretty soon it’ll be digging up Confederat­e soldiers out of their graves in some old graveyard. Read history, it helps.

I knew this president would take our country backwards but I had no idea he would take us all the way back to a time that reflects the mentality of this country that looks like the late 50s and early 60s. Now we really know what his idea of make America great again means — to take our country back. We are not only on the verge of World War III, we’re very close to another revolution. Hawaiian Punch Party

People are dropping faster in the White House than they are at Fox News. Just cleaning the swamps out.

For all the pro-Democrats out there I think it’s time to stop blaming everything on President Trump. After all, Clinton supplied North Korea with the uranium, Obama drew red lines in the sand and never followed through. Now President Trump is left with all the problems that were created. It’s time to start supporting our president.

Watching the news, all the white millennial­s protesting, not the African Americans, pulling down a statue on camera destroying it. Wasn’t it once called destructio­n of private property? Were those protesters arrested and put in jail and made to pay restitutio­n for it? And where do they get their money to do nothing but protest? Anyone checking out the Welfare rolls and take them off of it? Five Hundred Miler

It took Trump two days to condemn the KKK and neo-Nazis for the riots in Virginia. A new Gallup Poll taken has Trump down to 34 percent favorable. His polls will even drop more once his base finds out he condemned the riots as David Duke himself supports Trump. As the rioters marched they saluted with their arms and hands raised chanting “Hail Trump.” How disgusting. Clark S. Kent

I guess the crazy guy in the White House who just diverted a North Korean missile launch with his tough talk isn’t so bad after all. There’s only one person who can put America back on top and that’s President Donald Trump. Thank God Clinton wasn’t in there, she would’ve buried her head in the sand just like the last administra­tion. God bless Donald Trump and God bless America.

People have to remember that hatred is taught when we see the violence today. Who is responsibl­e — the individual or the teacher? Night Light

Once again I read in Sound Off where they’re blaming the liberals for the problems in Virginia. It just so happens to be a Republican state and most of the people involved were conservati­ves, not liberals. The editorial on Tuesday, “We are America, still struggling with race, hate,” was more to the point and the fact that even the former head of the KKK said they were fulfilling the promises of Donald Trump. So get all the facts before you start blaming liberals all the time.

Some people live a double life. If you came in contact with them for the first time you would think the person is the greatest, honest person until you’re around them or by pure accident come across them and you see the other side of them. Then you’re in shock because you never thought that of that person or persons.

If you haven’t gone to the Goschenhop­pen Historian Folk Festival off of Route 73 you have missed a great thing. So make sure you put it on your list for next year. They do everything — corn pie, roasted peanuts, the works.

Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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