The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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- Bob Not From Mont Clare

Is anyone in charge of the school crossing guards? Some of them are always in their cars because it’s too cold out. Why do middle and high school students need crossing guards? They should know by now how to cross the street. Thanks to Tom Hylton, Edgewood School is closed. I’m sure we could save some tax dollars on these useless jobs. Overwhelme­d Taxpayer

I hope that the people from Pottstown are watching this petition in Boyertown to take the traffic off Philadelph­ia Avenue. One of the proposals is for the railroad to move some of their ash. I think that they are going to try to bring it into Pottstown to get it to Earl Township. Berks County gets a tipping fee, Pottstown doesn’t. Pottstown will lose if this is the process. Keep watching.

Who teaches their children to protest to give up your basic rights that are guaranteed you by the Constituti­on of the United rich. States? Hanover Street Posse

Rex Tillerson was fired because he called his boss a moron. Tillerson was the most level-headed person in the White House. He used his worldwide experience to solve problems. Trump wanted a yes man, now he has one. Two morons side by side thinking the same way and they’re going up against North Korea. Kim Jong-un will play them like a fiddle. God help us.

We are a strange people. Only in America are legal citizens labeled racist and Nazis but illegal aliens are called dreamers.

I can’t understand why we have so many programs in Spanish. I mean it’s really ridiculous. I bet all those foreign countries don’t have other people’s languages on a bunch of channels. Barb People that still back Trump either are racist or Mary

I see Ben Carson might be the next to be ousted from Trump’s cabinet because of the furniture deal. He says he had nothing to do with it but they found emails that prove differentl­y. Too bad Ben.

Trump has fired another staff member, Rex Tillerson, secretary of state. If you remember, Tillerson had called Donald Trump a moron. Trump fired Tillerson with a tweet, did not have the guts to do it man to man. He faced him when he hired him. This is how teenagers break up right? Also Steve Goldstein, under secretary for public affairs, has been fired by Trump. Just how does the HR person keep up with all of this? Does Trump realize this will raise unemployme­nt figures?

I would just like to acknowledg­e an older gentleman that walks pretty far from Stowe every morning to his crossing guard position at Oak and North Charlotte streets. Every morning Monday through Friday he walks all the way there and back. Thank you, appreciate what you do.

During their conversati­on Donald Trump blatantly lied to Justin Trudeau and then had the nerve to brag about it. So who’s reporting fake news now Donnie? I believe stormy weather is coming.

In response to A Fan, I prefer friend. You are right about politician pensions, that is an area that definitely needs reform. Their pay should reflect what they do and don’t do. Seeing so little progress while continuing to collect big paychecks. Anyone else would be fired. It’s time to take our country back. We are tired of the do-nothings. Lady Di

Fact, if the non-members of the NRA would stop shooting people, gun violence would drop by 100 percent. Jim Fitch

Kudos to Pottsgrove School District for allowing their students to exercise their rights on March 14. According to The Mercury it was a peaceful, heartfelt, safe demonstrat­ion to show their support for a horrific act. Shame on Spring-Ford that they can’t allow students to do that. They held a walkout indoors? You want your students to grow and be contributi­ng members of society but treat them like babies. Shame on you Spring-Ford.

Yes-no, yes-no, yes-no, answers to the same question by Donald Trump.

We all know that the Uranium One deal was approved by the Clinton State Department and eight other federal agencies but what the caller failed to mention to Lady Di was Hillary, who orchestrat­ed the deal, received $131 million from Canadian billionair­e Frank Giustra which was probably deposited into the Clintons’ pass-through company called WJC, LLC designed to channel secret payments to the Clintons. Martha

This is to the person who says that they would like to make it cheaper for the senior citizens to stay in senior living places. Donald Trump said he was going to make the health care plan cheaper and better. I’m waiting for that to happen.

Why is Donald Trump so afraid of Russia? He won’t put into effect the sanctions voted by a united Congress and he was very lukewarm on Russia killing dissidents in Britain. What’s up?

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