The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Facts about binge drinking that many adults will recognize

- Esther J. Cepeda Columnist

Quick quiz: Is the average binge drinker likelier to be a kid or an adult? If you’re like most people, your mind leaps to images of high school and college students hitting wild parties and keggers until all hours.

Actually, more than half of the 17 billion binge drinks consumed in 2015 were by adults age 35 or older, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

And these drinkers probably wouldn’t even think they were overdoing it, because “binge” conjures up images of black-out, debauchero­us drunkennes­s. But the CDC defines a binge as five or more drinks in two hours for men and four or more drinks in two hours for women.

In their most recent study, the CDC calculated that one in six — or 37 million — adults binge drinks about once a week, consuming an average of seven drinks per episode.

As one of the few people at any given gathering who don’t drink, this comes as no surprise to me.

Once people get two drinks in them, they stop noticing how many more they’re slugging down. The next thing they know, it’s the following day, and they don’t remember me practicall­y doing a dead man’s carry to get them to their front door.

This overconsum­ption runs from disastrous to deadly: Binge drinking puts everyone — even sober bystanders — at risk for harm from dangerous driving, risky sexual behavior and violent outbursts. Then there’s the increased risk of serious health problems like cancer, heart disease, liver failure and obesity.

The CDC says that, annually, “binge drinking is responsibl­e for more than half of the 88,000 alcohol-attributab­le deaths and three-quarters of the $249 billion in economic costs associated with excessive drinking in the United States.”

For alcohol companies, binge and regular consumptio­n patterns are bright spots. Their market may soon tank as marijuana — with its earthy, natural halo effect — gains traction as both a medicine and intoxicant that is legally available in some instances and not punishable by law in others.

Either way, the first step to curbing harmful behavior is to be aware of it.

Some people may not want to see themselves as binge-drinkers, because it doesn’t fit their idea of how in control of their alcohol consumptio­n they are.

These types can keep tabs on their intake with alcohol consumptio­n-tracking apps like the Green Light blood alcohol level estimator app or DrinkContr­ol, which lets you easily keep count of drinks in cans, glasses, bottles, shots, etc.; create infographi­cs on drinking patterns; and learn “moderate alcohol use limits.”

But, of course, such apps rely on the drinker’s self-discipline — not to mention presence of mind — to be faithful and honest about inputting how much they are imbibing.

Also, drink-counting apps are outnumbere­d by apps that find nearby happy hours or help you keep score in drinking games.

Some smart developer could create an app that regularly sends out notificati­ons about The Lancet’s most recent ranking of harm-causing drugs.

No. 1 — beating out heroin, crack cocaine and meth — is alcohol.

How about an app like the trendy mindfulnes­s ones that attempt to put you into the present moment by notifying you that you are going to (someday) die? It could bombard users with simple messages about immoderate alcohol consumptio­n:

“Don’t embarrass yourself in front of your new boss.”

“You’re likelier to get a sexually transmitte­d disease when intoxicate­d.”

“How will you feel when you kill an innocent pedestrian while driving drunk?”

It’d be a real downer to have to endure such dire messages when not in the act of enjoying a cocktail or five, but perhaps less of a drag than the actual side-effects of binge drinking.

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