The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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To overwhelme­d taxpayer, you asked why middle and high school students need crossing guards. Yes they should know how to cross the street but they don’t. As a family member of a crossing guard in Pottstown I’ve heard a lot of horror stories about the middle school. They previously walked down the middle of the street tying up traffic just to cause problems. The crossing guards are constantly harassed by students and some adults. There’s a lot of turnover because of this.

I drove by Dana Corp. in Pottstown the other morning at 7 a.m. and it’s really nice to see the parking lot is full of employees’ cars. That’s a good sign. I’m glad they are there, that they stuck around in Pottstown.

When Philadelph­ia YMCA took over Pottstown’s building, they took over a building that was in decent condition. Over the period of time they owned it, they let it go downhill, did not make necessary repairs and now want to back out of it. What the Borough of Pottstown should do is sue, telling them to put the building back in the condition it was when they took it over.

If Donald Trump is innocent why doesn’t he act like it? He now has hired a third lawyer to discredit the special counsel Robert Mueller. Claims those working for Mueller gave Hillary Clinton money. Well so did Trump on seven different occasions. Nothing can change the facts.

If there was no Russian collusion as Trump keeps saying, why doesn’t he just let the investigat­ion play out and come to a conclusion? Then he can say he was right. Instead he’s trying to stop it in any way that he can. He looks really worried. You can tell by his daily tirades. He’s headed for a meltdown.

To the point of influence meddling in elections, the entertainm­ent industry, media news outlets and thousands of liberal educators, now that’s influence meddling. The sense of entitlemen­t and lack of any personal responsibi­lity that the progressiv­e agenda has fostered is troubling indeed.

The Pottstown Police Department is doing a fantastic job no matter what the people think. When something happens they’re always the first one to call the police. But for their own safety I really wish they would enforce the tinted windows in the front so they can see the drivers. I don’t know what the law says but they really need to do that. Also it will increase revenue but more so it will protect their safety.

I have never been called a racist but Mary seems to think that all who support our president is either a racist or rich. I am neither. Mary needs a reality check or a lesson in social behavior. Martha

If Trump is so innocent why does he have four or five lawyers? I think he might be just a little bit guilty.

Hey Jay Miller, Hawaiian Punch and DP, try reading “A Secret Empire.” It’s not fake news, it’s factual news about Joe Biden’s son getting billions of dollars, billions not millions, through his dad being vice president and of course John Kerry whose daughter married a sheik and is worth billions of dollars now, and keep going on till you get to Obama and Hillary and you’ll find out where the money trail went. TC

Lady Di, Martha and Al, take off the blinders and quite drinking the Kool Aid. That so-called wonderful president you’re trying to shove down everyone’s throat is a proven liar, cheater, bully, racist, narcissist and sexual abuser. It’s time to get real here. Just because you’re on the right doesn’t mean you’re in the right. Republican­s like to brag that they’re the party of Lincoln and Reagan. Unfortunat­ely they’re also the party of Nixon and Trump.

I’d like to make a comment about Jay Miller and his assertion that President Obama was being a patriot. That’s why many of us call him not Obama but we call him Obummer. He almost drug this country down the leftist toilet. I don’t see what he sees in him, but oh well.

Yeah Jay Miller, Obama is a true patriot along with his best friends Bill Ayers, the convicted terrorist bomber of the 60s, his mentor the anti-American hate spewer Rev. Wright and don’t forget the alleged cocaine dealer turned reverend, Al Sharpton, who had a free pass to the White House. Yep, all true patriots. For The People

My wife and I have lived in Limerick Township for the past 50 years. Roadside trash is disgusting. Who is responsibl­e for the clean up? Help. Ed

Many folks make fun of the way I dress but I can probably say I’ve never been robbed. Most people think I’m already homeless. Jim Fitch Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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