The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)


- by Phillip Alder

Holly Lisle, an author of fantasy and science fiction, wrote, “If you don’t accept responsibi­lity for your own actions, then you are forever chained to a position of defense.”

When you are “chained” to defense at the bridge table, you must both be responsibl­e for your signals and watch the cards closely, especially if your partner is signaling. Of course, if your partner isn’t signaling helpfully, get a new partner!

This week, let’s look at some useful defensive principles. Against four hearts, West leads the club ace. What should happen after that?

Over the takeout double, North jumped to three hearts to show a relatively weak hand with four-card heart support. With a limit raise or stronger, he would have responded two no-trump, a bit that is not needed in a natural sense, because North can redouble. South bid game, hoping his partner had the heart king and diamond queen.

At trick one, East’s job is to say whether he does or does not have the club queen. With the queen and spot cards, he would play the highest spot he could. Here, though, he can do much better, signaling with the queen. This guarantees the jack is held also (or the queen was a singleton, which here is next to impossible). Then West ought to see the advantage of putting his partner on lead for a diamond shift through declarer.

Luckily, when East takes the second trick with his club jack, he knows South is out of clubs. Also, if West has a spade trick, it isn’t going anywhere. So East should return a diamond.

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