The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)




1 “Cheers” barmaid

6 Sacred song

11 Mexican farewell

12 Circle spokes

13 Batter’s high hit

14 Dizzying designs

15 Bike part

17 Yoga need

18 Packers’ place

22 Scottish lake

23 Mall businesses

27 Smells

29 Greek marketplac­e

30 Annette of “American Beauty”

32 Egyptian goddess

33 Farewells

35 Baseball need

38 Dressed in

39 Deplete

41 Mistake 45 Note from the boss

46 Sports venue

47 Buccaneers’ base

48 Expert


1 Ballpark souvenir

2 Commotion

3 Tear

4 Yankee great in the Hall of Fame

5 Colorado resort

6 In fair shares

7 Maple fluid

8 First father

9 Old Italian coin

10 Catcher’s need

16 Crunch targets

18 Dollop

19 Took the bus

20 Bus. sch. course

21 Yankee great in the Hall of Fame

24 Optimistic

25 Lake near Buffalo

26 Pertness

28 Chinese food veggie

31 Sticky gunk

34 Aspiration

35 Small statue

36 On the ocean

37 Abound

40 Ballpark official

42 Gun, as a motor

43 Count start

44 Sprinted

 ??  ??

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