The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Trump’s words and actions are dangerous to world order


His most recent — to brazenly insult our NATO allies — surely ranks among the top three in my book, the others being his romancing of Russia without commensura­te leverage and, likewise, rushing to legitimize North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, without substantiv­e concession­s.

His topsy-turvy approach to foreign policy seems to be: Love thy enemies as thyself — and screw your pals.

The result is that our enemies think us foolish and our allies find us both inscrutabl­e and untrustwor­thy.

Contrary to what some Trump supporters might wish, this isn’t the work of a genius whose strategy is too sophistica­ted for the ordinary mind to grasp.

It’s the work of a man who thinks the tools of his former trade as a real estate developer can be as easily applied to complex, global, diplomatic challenges.

The difference­s are manifest. If a Trump hotel falls through, the wheeler-dealer moves on to the next, filing for bankruptcy if necessary to fund the next project.

If a denucleari­zation agreement falls through, ka-boom! — the world tips on its axis at a precarious angle.

In particular, NATO’s increasing fragility, thanks to Trump’s recent barking performanc­e in Brussels, invites a range of potentiall­y catastroph­ic repercussi­ons, including, not least, a strengthen­ed Russia with a bearish taste for empire expansion.

Watching and listening to the U.S. president deride NATO members last Thursday was akin to observing a small child building a sandcastle in a minefield.

Does Trump really not understand that NATO’s stability benefits the U.S. as well? Or does he consciousl­y seek to destabiliz­e the world, one relationsh­ip at a time? If so, to what end?

Notwithsta­nding his later comments expressing support for NATO, Trump spoke otherwise. It is likely the case that he’s performing for two audiences: Russian President Vladimir Putin, with whom he plans to meet privately in Helsinki today; and his American base, which sets its clock by campaign promises kept.

Trump repeatedly has pledged to bring NATO to heel and force it to pay more so the U.S. could pay less.

Trump felt it necessary to chide fellow leaders, presumably to enhance his manly-tude.

One tries to imagine any previous, modern president excoriatin­g European leaders on the world stage, while also praising Putin periodical­ly from the stump, when the Russian leader obviously represents the single greatest threat to European border countries.

The point of NATO’s formation, meanwhile, seems to have eluded Trump. It is to maintain and defend allied nations by treating an attack against one country as an attack on all.

In an alliance of this sort, especially given Europe’s understand­ing of America’s overwhelmi­ng military contributi­ons of the past, it isn’t necessary for the big dog to anoint NATO’S hydrant.

The trouble with Trump is that he’s a wise guy from Queens and apparently hasn’t yet managed to overcome childhood insecuriti­es.

This has long been obvious to at least some Americans (and the rest of the world), who recognized the danger of Trump from the get-go.

His impulsiven­ess, braggadoci­o, absence of conscience, and an unburdened preference for dictators and tyrants — all serve our enemies well.

As to what end the president’s childish strategies might serve? Quite possibly, Trump doesn’t even know.

But chaos seeks fissures in stability — and order often follows at the heel of a boot.

For the past 69 years, NATO has been the world’s best defense against such instabilit­y — and Trump, ever the pompous pout, is cheering the offense.

 ?? Kathleen Parker Columnist ?? When it comes to President Trump, it’s hard to pick his worst decision from the plethora he has provided.
Kathleen Parker Columnist When it comes to President Trump, it’s hard to pick his worst decision from the plethora he has provided.

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