The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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I’m calling about the Owen J. Roberts School District issue where they want to start high school and middle school students going to school an hour later due to the alleged sleep deprivatio­n issues. How about if parents just tell the children to go to bed earlier? What are those children going to do when they get out in the working environmen­t in their later years? Are employers going to let them show up to work a little later just so they get more sleep?

To OJR students who think 7:30 a.m. is too early to start school, if you go to bed at 10 p.m. and rise at 6 a.m. you get eight hours sleep. As taxpayers we are trying to get you ready for real-world jobs. Believe it or not the business world opens before 7:30 a.m. Jim Fitch

Just want to let everybody know that the fake IRS calls are at it again. I’ve received three of them stating the state police will come to my front door to arrest me. Everybody remember this is a scam. Lassie

I can’t believe Owen J. Roberts would change the school schedule for three parents. These OJR parents are crybabies. Put your kids to bed at a normal time and you won’t have this problem. I never had a problem with my kids going to school at this time. I can’t believe the school board would do this. If they do, they need to be thrown out and get new members.

I just came from Boyertown and I noticed they closed East Third Street for this train. That’s one of the stupidest ideas. You don’t close people’s streets down. It’s ridiculous.

The NFL should ban for life that Kaepernick, exquarterb­ack of the 49ers, for beginning this childish immature protest. All for what? Over the national anthem that absolutely no one stands for anyway.

To the person who wants to know what Trump has done, I watch Fox News where I heard about Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen and the Playboy bunny. I also heard about the many great things Trump has done, many of which have led to the booming economy. On other news channels I heard about Stormy, Cohen and the bunny and that’s about it. They will never give Trump any credit. I’ll be surprised if they cover the return of our soldiers’ remains from North Korea, a Trump accomplish­ment. For The People

Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis said that those who pay with cash are either drug dealers or mobsters. Well guess what, I just went to a restaurant and I used a gift card and I paid with cash and I’m not a drug dealer or a mobster.

To whomever Get It Right is, a comment on your July 27 Sound Off comment. Since there was a tie vote on property tax eliminatio­n, then the lieutenant governor’s vote to not eliminate property tax tells me that our Democratic governor has no desire to help the taxpayers with property tax eliminatio­n. So how can you say it is all the Republican­s fault?

This is to the person who asked what happened to the $18 million that the governor signed over for potholes. I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again, I guess you missed it, Pennsylvan­ia has more state roads than all New England combined and New York state. Let that sink in a little bit. Jay Miller

If you missed it in The Mercury, a landmark grand jury report identifies more than 300 predator priests in six of Pennsylvan­ia Roman Catholic Dioceses. The report goes back decades. Also in The Mercury the Pope stripped Theodore McCarrick of his Cardinal title following alleged sexual abuse of an 11-year-old boy. When I think about my mother giving to this church and doing without makes me sick in the stomach. Agnostic

Yes, Lady Di we must all keep praying that all eyes will be open so they will see the true evil that dwells inside the White House — the lies, the infideliti­es, the narcissism, the racism, the mistreatme­nt of immigrant families and the preference of Russia over America. Pray that all these eyes will be open so they will not make the same mistake again two years from now.

I am so weary of Trump supporters’ comments after one of his many mess ups and I quote “Give the guy a chance.” This is not your local McDonald’s. This is your country and the position of the president of the United States cannot be that of an on-the-job trainee. Frattbak

The conspiracy theory that Russia hacked the 2016 election has been mostly discredite­d despite a year of fake news but what has received very little media coverage is Russia’s continued effort to hack into the U.S. power grid. Now that is a much more important and worthwhile endeavor for news coverage. Truth Be Told Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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