The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Read what friends and neighbors have to say

- Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates.

Take a look at what friends and neighbors are saying about local hot topics and join in on the conversati­on.

I’m just curious how long does a vehicle get to sit on High Street with a flat tire and not been moved for three weeks? How long do you get for that I wonder? I guess no one noticed that in the police department.

Would it be possible to have the trucking traffic going to the dump across from Earl Elementary School held for a half an hour while the school is releasing from school or going into the school?

The ridiculous New York Times op-ed was anonymous. Give me a break. It may have been submitted by a Democratic operative or even a New York Times writer. Election meddling anyone?

I just get a little bit tired of these crooked lawyers persecutin­g Catholic priests as if they have nothing wrong in their closet. You would think that they have nothing else to do but persecute other people. I’d never turn my back on my church or my pope or any priest and I think it’s about time these guys go get an honest job.

I wish Whoopi, Joy and Sunny from “The View” would have someone on their show other than Trump-haters like they are.

I just saw a flyer for a designer bag bingo and it costs $25 per person but you had to purchase your tickets by July 31 in order to save $5. I don’t understand why they just can’t have it at $20 instead of charging more because of people that didn’t see the flyer before July 31. It’s a shame. I would have loved to have gone but I’m not going to pay the extra $5.

People say nothing is impossible but I do nothing

I have lived in Colebrookd­ale Township for many many years. I bought my house new. There’s been a problem that I’ve tried calling the garage and getting no answer. Maybe they will answer now. Every time it rains my driveway gets filled with mud. My neighbor has to put a board out over the water so that his wife can get to the car. All because the township refuses to come out and correct a drainage problem. Maybe they will see this and do it now.

I’m amazed when I read some of the comments in Sound Off aimed at Democrats as if they’re the lowest form of life on Earth. This all coming from a group that turns a blind eye toward a president who goes out of his way to obstruct justice every chance that he gets. You Trump supporters leave a lot to be desired.

There is a local bank with branches that has had its automated system compromise­d for over seven days. The system does not work. You cannot get informatio­n about your accounts. Now if they cannot fix this in seven or eight days because their IT people aren’t competent what does that tell anybody about their protection against some type of illegal access? This is not acceptable and it continues to be a problem.

Last night due to a careless speeding driver on Grosstown Road we regretfull­y have to say goodbye to our tin man who stood in our flower bed for 20 some years.

Is Sen. Bob Casey Jr. ambivalent to the criminalit­y of illegal aliens who comprise 25 percent of our federal prison population? No, he is complicit given his support for sanctuary cities and the abolition of ICE. Casey’s conversion to left wing ideologue became apparent when he embraced Planned Parenthood in the wake of organ harvesting scandals which included experiment­ation on live fetuses. — Mark Furlong

I just read in The Mercury that insurgents killed at least 29 Afghan security forces in separate attacks marking the 17th anniversar­y. I thought Donald Trump said he took care of all those insurgents? I guess they must have got out of Iraq and escaped. I thought they went to Africa, I guess they went to Afghanista­n too.

Excuse me but I see you’re smoking cigarettes and you’re sporting a brand-new tattoo from neck to elbow. I see you go into the store and use your card to buy groceries. I’d like to know where you got the money for cigarettes and tattoos if you’re using a card from the state to buy groceries? — Starlight

First off there is a God and I’ll tell you why. We saw a miracle yesterday. We were going down through Pottstown from the West End and there were two young people riding bicycles in the bicycle lane, not flip flopping in the center of the road or anything. They stopped at the red light. They went on through and sure enough the next time they got to a corner the one boy had his arm out. So that to me was a miracle, so you see there really is a God.

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