The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Donald Trump is a danger to our democracy

- — Robert Sprague Douglassvi­lle

Tens of thousands of adjectives exist in the English language ... none adequately describes the incomprehe­nsible behavior of Trump. These come to mind: unqualifie­d, disgracefu­l, boorish, sophomoric, sleazy, immoral, crude, rude, paranoid, arrogant, disingenuo­us, treasonous, ignorant, moronic and, most significan­tly, mentally unstable.

Even Freud would be hard pressed to explain away his behavior as anything but pathologic­al. Add appropriat­e nouns (e.g. liar, egomaniac, thief, coward, bigot, cheat, buffoon, traitor, bully) and the picture is unmistakab­le; the “President” is a clear and present danger to our democracy.

But for a few, Congressio­nal Republican­s are complicit, spineless enablers of the worst kind. Have they no conscience nor shame, no pride nor self-respect, no dignity nor patriotism? From Ryan to McConnell and beyond, they are sycophants who don’t deserve another minute in D.C. They can stop the madness but, they’re blinded by personal ambition. What can they possibly be thinking; what will they tell their children; how can they live with themselves?

The absurditie­s are numerous and varied but, all point to one thing ... moral and mental deficiency. Would you be comfortabl­e hiring someone of such character and limited ability to be your heart surgeon, your child’s teacher, your accountant, mechanic, dog sitter? Not likely. Let’s send that seriously disturbed person to get the treatment he desperatel­y needs. That’s the compassion­ate thing to do.

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