The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Read what friends and neighbors have to say


Take a look at what friends and neighbors are saying about local hot topics and join in on the conversati­on.

USA’s retailers today only allow communist China merchandis­e on their shelves. No inventors can emerge from China-monopolize­d product markets. It is essential to capitalism to have competitio­n. Without competitio­n there can be no inventors bred in America. —Scott Weekly

To all of my friends out there who voted for Tom Wolf for governor again, bless your heart. Now you know it’s going to be at least another four years before anything gets done about the school taxes so don’t put your checkbooks away because you’re going to need them for quite awhile yet. As the saying goes, “Be careful what you ask for,” because you just got it.

I’d like to thank all the nurses and aides on north sixth floor at Parkhouse Center and all the ICU people at Phoenixvil­le Hospital for the excellent care my wife received in her recent stay at both those places.

Just a reminder people, the blue wave started in November 2017 when Collegevil­le elected a Democratic mayor and a majority Democratic council. That election made the victories from Muth, Dean and Webster possible. People got mad, people got off their couches and decided to do something about an out-of-control conservati­ve Congress. Welcome to reality. —Lefty

To the person worried about Medicare and Social Security with the Democrats taking the House it’s not the Democrats who have said that they want to do away with “entitlemen­ts” which they see as Social Security. Republican­s have said that’s what they would like to do from their own mouths, not from fake news.

The Republican­s lost more than 28 House seats, seven governors, 323 state legislatur­e seats, six state legislatur­e chambers and Donald Trump said “It was very close to a Republican victory.” What world does he live in? That’s a third of the Republican seats in two years. That is worse than the eight years of President Obama. There is no Republican Party anymore, just the Trump party. —Clark S. Kent Kudos to Mark Kennedy for his review of “The Grinch.” I realized every bit that he wrote was in poem form. I never laughed so hard in my life. Thank you Mark Kennedy for starting my morning with a very, very big smile.

To any Republican­s who are upset about losing the House I offer you the same condolence­s you gave the Democrats two years ago. Just get over it. And by the way isn’t it funny that you don’t hear anything more about the invading caravan? That must have been fake news.

I would like to give a shoutout to all the doctors, nurses and all the support personnel at Physicians Care Surgical Hospital. They gave me wonderful care on Wednesday. Thank you very much. Prayers for you all. —DK

According to the BBC, Afghans are only controllin­g 55 percent of their country now because the Taliban has taken over. —Jay Miller

Yes, Trump has created a division in America. The last time America was divided hundreds of thousands of men died. Some call it the war between the states, others call it a Civil War. It was based on greed, slavery. They did not get paid. Sad moment in American History. —Starlight

Remember the NATO conference in May in Brussels when Donald physically pushed a Montenegro leader out of his way to get to the front of the group for a photo op? Sarah Sanders did not find this incident unacceptab­le yet Jim Acosta’s White House pass was revoked for his reaction to an intern trying to grab a mic from him as he spoke. Likewise shouldn’t Donald be barred from the White House? —Lord Liv

Just like to make a comment in honor of Veterans Day. I’m glad that all the veterans did what they did for this country but it’s sad to see that one veteran who killed these people in this bar rampage. It seemed like somehow he couldn’t seem to get his life together after the war. I think certain people who have this post traumatic stress syndrome they need to really be under treatment and care so they don’t commit these kind of crimes.

I’d like to acknowledg­e the people at West Pottsgrove for the great job they did during election day. They were very helpful, very kind individual­s. I don’t know who the judge of election was but he did an excellent job with the people that came in. I want again to thank the people at West Pottsgrove. —A West Pottsgrove Voter

I hear that 500 children are in cages waiting for President Trump to find their parents. Good luck. These kids were used by criminals and other illegals as a ploy to gain entry into the country using our own laws and then abandoned them and blended into our society. Thank God for ICE in hopes they find them. —Proud Nationalis­t

Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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