The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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Let me see if I can get this right. Roseanne Barr, Martha Stewart and that woman that does the cooking on the cooking channel all had their shows cancelled for what I see as minor things. Here we have a very violent sexual predator who was tried and convicted, Bill Cosby, and yet they still show “The Cosby Show.” I guess no one wants to step up to the plate.

—T Dog

Donald Trump says the wall is being built right now and his base cheers. Trump says the sun is green and his base cheers. Trump says we were all created by a giant reptile with three heads and his base cheers. Need I go on?

I was sitting in my car at the grocery store watching a guy who apparently didn’t know where he parked. Every time he put his remote in the air and squeezed, I blew my horn twice. Does that make me an evil person?

—Jim Fitch

Harrisburg has promised senior citizens relief on property taxes. Here we are many years later, nothing has changed. This is the year. Let’s make sure those in Harrisburg who promised tax relief do it. We tried voting them out. Let’s do it another way.

Make America great again. Get rid of all computers, cellphones, credit cards and video games. —Sam Not From Sanatoga

I like to walk with grandpa, his steps are short like mine. He doesn’t say hurry up, he always takes his time. Most people have to hurry, they don’t stop to see. I’m glad that God made grandpa unrushed and young like me. —Mom Mom

It seems like every week there is another awards show on TV with stars from movies and TV praising each other. I don’t even watch them anymore since they are now a political or

racial platform for these spoiled and overpaid people.

I see where the Republican and Democratic Senate committee came out and said there was no collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign. So I guess they’ll have to close the Walt Whitman bridge down so people like Lefty and Jay Miller don’t jump off.

Wannabees cannot change their own gender. Men and women have a minimum of 6,500 genetic difference­s between us and this impacts every cell in our body. We cannot change our biological sex of birth no matter how much we want to. A man on estrogen is not a woman and a female on testostero­ne is not a man. Chromosome­s determine sex. Stick with science and stop the nonsense. —Info Depot

I just heard that Trump installed an 18-hole simulator in the White House where he doesn’t have to go outside and play golf now at all. Deplorable. —Jay Miller

I like how Jay Miller tries to make the senior citizens feel guilty about the increased tax refund all the while Jay Miller never said a thing about Obama running up more debt than all the previous presidents combined and he was silent the whole time. Kind of ironic and pathetic if you ask me. —18 Wheeler

Pottstown now has a new oldest business which is Stone’s Hearing Aid on High Street since 1885. Started out as Stone’s Jewelry Store and now is Pottstown’s last remaining fourth-generation-owned business.

This is to the men that were working with PennDOT. What a job you did for everybody. So now they better not say that all

you do is hold a shovel. Let them go out and see what they can do on the road with that big equipment. Thanks again PennDOT guys.

I think it’s a miracle that the borough council in Pottstown actually voted something positive which is not giving the liquor license back to the Montgomery Elks Club on Walnut Street. I cannot believe the one person voted yes after 200 and some complaints out there. She actually should be removed from council for voting to give their license back, seriously.

I’m thinking that having safe heroine injection sites makes about as much sense as having a drunk driving lane on the highway. —Jim Dandy

The unindicted co-conspirato­r went to El Paso the other day to lie about his wall. His rallies are getting smaller and smaller. Eventually Trump supporters

will finally realize that they were duped into voting for him. #sadbuttrue. —Lefty

The Republican­s gave us a knife in the back. They lowered the deductions for our weekly taxes but they never changed the tax table when you file your taxes. Most people are getting less, but many are going to owe money when they file. The Democrats tried to tell us this was not a tax cut for the middle class but for the rich. They were right again. —

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