The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Lack of mandates makes it difficult to secure a school district

- By Vincent Riccio Vincent Riccio of East Haven, a former New Haven police officer, is a security consultant and owner of Security Academy of Connecticu­t. Riccio will discuss school security in an event at 4 p.m. Feb. 24 at Hagaman Library in East Haven.

As we await the release of the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission’s final report in the wake of the Dec. 14, 2012, school shooting, let’s talk about the basics of school security.

They are: 1. Secure your front entry, 2. Secure your classroom doors with locks that work from the inside, 3. Secure the glass with laminate glazing, 4. Train teachers and staff and, 5. Practice. Sure, there are additional security measures such as door intercom/buzz-in systems, panic alarms, cameras, human security, fingerprin­t scanners and access control software, and the list can go on, but these all come after the basic foundation.

None of the things are standard or mandated statewide in Connecticu­t, or any state in the country for that matter. This leads to the huge inconsiste­nces that I saw statewide, addressed in a column in December, and why I continue to be so critical of the state Legislatur­e, the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission and the School Safety Infrastruc­ture Council created in the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy.

What is happening in my hometown of East Haven is a good example of what happens when our state leadership fails to lead by passing mandated basics and our local leadership looks for the cheapest way.

On Jan. 22, 2013, about a month after the Sandy Hook shooting, I attended a Board of Education meeting at East Haven High School and spoke of the need for East Haven to secure their schools and write new policies. I have family that attends an East Haven school. But I also spoke with knowledge of the subject, having been a security consultant for over 18 years, let alone my career in law enforcemen­t in total spanning almost 40 years. It was here that I began my quest to secure East Haven schools, which continues today.

I ended my little speech with a warning that “if you don’t want to listen to me, find another security consultant that can help you soon or the schools will be subject to another Sandy Hook.” I was then told that the school superinten­dent, at the time, Anthony Serio, would contact me. I was never contacted by Superinten­dent Serio during the next eight months until he retired in August 2013.

In April 2013 Mayor Joseph Maturo announced that a task force had completed a new district-wide crisis manual for “crisis response preparedne­ss measures; outside emergency contact informatio­n; crisis response kit; ongoing responsibi­lities; procedures for vulnerable areas; codes and evacuation procedures; lockdown procedures and communicat­ion to the parents” for the district.

The manual would also “require all principals to review the procedures with staff twice yearly; conduct practice drills with the staff and students also two times per year and to require teachers to review and practice emergency procedures with their individual classes also twice per year,” said Maturo.

The task force consisted of Deputy Fire Chief Chuck Licata, Police Capt. Joseph Slane, Superinten­dent Anthony Serio and Assistant Superinten­dent Erika Forti with input from each school principal.

When I read the statement I immediatel­y contacted Fire Chief Douglas Jackson and Police Chief Brent B. Larrabee because I immediatel­y became concerned with some of the processes stated and some of the language, such as the fact that only two drills per year would be conducted when the recently-passed school security law mandated three drills. I did meet with Chief Jackson in June 2013 and was told I could see the new manual and offer suggestion­s. I also talked to police Capt. Slane in July 2013, who also said I could offer improvemen­ts. I never received a copy of the manual.

In September 2013 I met with the new school superinten­dent, Dr. Portia Bonner, and the school district Finance Director Paul Rizza. This meeting was again not successful in bringing about an opportunit­y to work on the already completed plan for securing the schools. Mind you, by now I was offering my service or advice for free to my town.

On Sept. 9, 2014, I returned to the Board of Education. I again urged the board to work with me or someone in the security field. Over the last two years it had become obvious that if the school district, the Police Department or the Fire Department had written a plan and conducted the needed and now the required school security assessment­s, per the school safety law passed in 2013, the schools would not have continued to have the deficienci­es I was able to see and was now pointing out to the board. I presented issues that I had observed first hand that threatened the security of our children on a daily basis. The list included locks that didn’t lock, doors being open without staff inquiring first, windows unsecured and in some cases completely open.

Even more troubling was that the district was now about to spend money through the new school security grants. The money in my view as a security consultant was about to be spent unwisely without any guidance from any security profession­al. Advice from a Police or Fire department is not the proper guidance for security matter. Each of those entities has its own agenda. School board Chairman John Finkle seemed to be open to my presentati­on.

The town is about to spend $159,610 of its money and $331,519 of state Security Grant money. What is East Haven getting for that money?

A biometry fingerprin­t reader for high school teachers to enter the rear of the school? A new security desk similar to the high school’s setup with some cameras? From my observatio­ns, not a system I would recommend. From what I’ve been told and from my own observatio­ns, the locks in the district remain a risk similar to the locks at Sandy Hook Elementar y.

Most schools built prior to 1970 have similar locks, and should be replaced with locks that lock from the inside, but the high school is of great interest because this school was built most recently but with locks that don’t lock from the inside. Who is responsibl­e for that? Who advised the district? The Fire or Police department­s?

I would bet that was who the district turned to. There is a reason for the change to newer and higher-functionin­g locks and security consultant­s have known this for some time. I testified in front of both the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission and the School Safety Infrastruc­ture Council, and both recommende­d locks that lock from the inside, finally catching up to the industr y.

During the weeks leading up to the Dec. 9, 2014, Board of Education meeting, Chairman Finkle asked me to present a plan for what I was offering to do for the school district.

On Dec. 9, I again returned to the Board of Education to present the plan for a security assessment I was offering.

On Jan. 13, 2015, I returned to the Board of Education and expressed my disappoint­ment with the ulterior motive rumors the board was hearing and the fact that the board now wanted to use the Request for Proposal (RFP) process for the services. I was not upset because I would lose an opportunit­y, I would be happy if any security consultant worked on correcting the issues I had identified. But I felt that the RFP route was a way to avoid working with anyone. I told the board that in the last few weeks I had viewed what I believe to be a copy of the crisis manual, which was badly written and would lead to failure in a real emergency, therefore a Sandy Hook in waiting.

First it is a manual that is written with heavy emphasis on administra­tive oversight and administra­tion-initiated drills only. Surprising, because I would have thought those lessons would have already been learned years ago and even more so because every firefighte­r knows the lessons of the Our Lady of the Angels School fire of 1958. A total of 92 pupils and three nuns lost their lives, a fire that literally changed how fire drills were conducted. The reason for so many deaths was that the school relied solely on administra­tion to call for an evacuation.

For instance, this manual is written is such a way that if a teacher encounters a person with a gun in a hallway, their sole responsibl­y is to contact an administra­tor. The manual does not give them the option to immediatel­y call the school into a lock down, wasting valuable time. And without allowing training for staff-initiated drills, individual staff members and teachers are less likely to respond effectivel­y during a crisis.

To fix this, the manual needs to be rewritten to allow for training in staff-initiated drills that include scenarios for all types of events, an active shooter not being the only threat a school faces. This allows teachers to learn better decision-making skills.

Second, as the manual is written, security officers at the school have no responsibi­lities for access control or during drills. Normal accepted security protocols would require security to see ID, and ensure that visitors have the proper clearance to enter.

Third, as written the manual calls for the same type of false sense of security policies that were in place for Sandy Hook Elementary School. The policy calls for teachers to lock their classroom doors and the doors are to remain locked during the school day. This type of policy just doesn’t work.

Teachers just don’t teach like this. It is clearly shown by the fact that on that fateful day and with the policy in place the janitor had to run around locking doors that should have been already locked, finally breaking his key on the 15th lock he tried.

Fourth, reverse lock down (evacuation) protocols and drills are critical and are not even addressed in the manual. This is where students and staff who are outside of the building during a crisis can return to the building.

There are many more issues with the manual but I choose not to get into further detail for fear that someone would attempt to exploit the deficienci­es.

So why has it been so difficult to secure a school district? Public support for it wanes? Egos?

No, it’s the lack of leadership.

 ?? PETER HVIZDAK — NEW HAVEN REGISTER ?? Hamden Mayor Scott Jackson, chairman of the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission, listens to opening remarks by Gov. Dannel P. Malloy during the commission’s first hearing Thursday at the Capitol in Hartford.
PETER HVIZDAK — NEW HAVEN REGISTER Hamden Mayor Scott Jackson, chairman of the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission, listens to opening remarks by Gov. Dannel P. Malloy during the commission’s first hearing Thursday at the Capitol in Hartford.

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