The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Jeff Sessions must recuse himself from Flynn investigat­ion

- By Chuck Schumer The writer, a Democrat from New York, is U.S. Senate minority leader.

The gravity of the issues raised by the events that led to national security adviser Michael Flynn’s resignatio­n cannot be overstated or ignored. Revelation­s about Flynn’s contact with the Russians and reports indicating that he may have lied to the FBI about that contact may be only the tip of the iceberg. There’s an overwhelmi­ng view in our intelligen­ce community that Russia tried to influence our election.

The American people, and indeed American democracy, require a thorough and independen­t investigat­ion into what transpired and whether any criminal laws or constituti­onal precepts were violated. Such an investigat­ion and any resulting prosecutio­n would normally be carried out under the purview of the attorney general, as the nation’s chief law-enforcemen­t officer with oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion. But in this case, given his deep and long-standing ties to President Donald Trump and many of Trump’s top advisers, Attorney General Jeff Sessions cannot lead such an investigat­ion.

Sessions’s recusal is required by the Justice Department’s own rules and regulation­s. The department clearly states that “no employee shall participat­e in a criminal investigat­ion or prosecutio­n if he has a personal or political relationsh­ip with any person or organizati­on substantia­lly involved in the conduct that is the subject of the investigat­ion or prosecutio­n or any person or . . . has a specific and substantia­l interest that would be directly affected by the outcome of the investigat­ion or prosecutio­n.” It is beyond dispute that Trump has a number of specific and substantia­l interests that would be directly affected by the outcome of the investigat­ion. The regulation­s define a political relationsh­ip as “a close identifica­tion with an elected official [or] candidate . . . arising from service as a principal adviser thereto or a principal official thereof.”

During the campaign, Sessions was identified by the Trump campaign and by Trump himself as a key adviser. Sessions was the first senator to endorse Trump, frequently appeared with him on the campaign trail and even served on the same campaign council as Flynn. Would he be able to impartiall­y lead an inquiry into potential wrongdoing by the team that appointed him to his current post and with whom he has been closely allied? Certainly, the appearance of bias is unavoidabl­e.

Most important, Sessions’s recusal from this matter is important not only to comply with the law but also to ensure that the public can have faith that the investigat­ion is being conducted in a thorough and impartial way. Last week, the attorney general met with the president in the Oval Office, as his job requires. Until he recuses himself from this investigat­ion, many Americans will remain suspicious about what they discussed. Did they talk about the ongoing investigat­ion? Did the president try, in any way, to steer him away from the truth? A cloud will hang over every meeting and conversati­on between the president and attorney general until Sessions recuses himself.

Because administra­tion officials did not reveal Flynn’s prevaricat­ing about his contacts with Russia for weeks, acknowledg­ing them only after they were exposed by the media, they have made it extremely difficult for the American people to believe that they will endeavor to get to the bottom of the issues at hand. Removing a political ally from running the investigat­ion is absolutely necessary to “assure the public the matter will be handled without partisansh­ip.” Anything short of a full recusal by Sessions will jaundice the investigat­ion and violate Justice Department rules.

As then-Sen. Sessions wrote, with others, in calling for the recusal of then-Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch in the matter of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton’s emails: “When a high public official is accused of serious wrongdoing and there is a sufficient factual predicate to investigat­e it is imperative the investigat­ion be thorough, with dispatch and without partisansh­ip . . . . The appropriat­e response when the subject matter is public and it arises in a highly-charged political atmosphere is for the Attorney General to appoint a Special Counsel of great public stature and indisputab­le independen­ce to assure the public the matter will be handled without partisansh­ip.” Attorney General Jeff Sessions should take the words of Sen. Jeff Sessions to heart.

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