The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Are you getting the right advice?

- Alan Weiss Dollars + Sense

Choosing a financial adviser is a major decision that can impact your life for decades. As with all seemingly scary decisions, seeking the help of a seasoned profession­al can prove wise.

Many individual­s looking to invest work full time, are starting out in their career, or raising children. This leaves little time for researchin­g and understand­ing retirement planning and investing. Unless you have a strong financial background and ample time, often the smartest decision is to have a Certified Financial Planner help you. Depending on your needs and financial knowledge, there are several key qualities to look for when deciding on your adviser.

One of the first things is to pinpoint your specific needs and desired outcomes of the relationsh­ip. Advisers can help serve as partners, guides, or educators when making these impactful financial decisions.

Vanguard, one of the country’s largest investment management groups, notes in its report, “How Investors Select Advisors,” that “Investors can range from people who are often unattached from their finances and are heavily dependent on their hired profession­als” to those who are simply looking for a “partner in their financial decisions” and above all, their success.

Another piece of advice is to go into prospectiv­e adviser meetings as if you’re conducting a job interview. Don’t be afraid to ask about the prospectiv­e adviser’s methods and investment philosophy. Your ultimate goal is to find someone whose services you are satisfied with and, most importantl­y, someone you trust.

A great place to start your adviser search is with those people whom you already trust. As noted in the Vanguard study, approximat­ely three quarters of all investors find their advisers through referrals or local offices. Whether asking your close friends, relatives, or other profession­als whom you work with, a direct referral to a firm provides advice based on experience.

You should go to the meetings prepared with a list of questions about your concerns. Also important is to listen carefully to how the adviser would treat your specific situation.

With so much going on in daily life, knowing you have a knowledgea­ble financial adviser, with no bias when it comes to choosing the right path for you, can bring comfort. This partnershi­p leaves you with more freedom to do the things you really want to do and can provide a resource for making smart financial decisions throughout your lifetime.

Are you getting the right advice? Alan P. Weiss is the president of Regent Wealth Management Group in Woodbridge. He is also a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER. Readers are reminded that certain investment­s and investment strategies may not be appropriat­e for them and that all investment­s involve risks and uncertaint­ies. Consult an expert of your choosing if you have questions about investment­s. More informatio­n is available at www.regentweal­

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