The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)



No comparison between Palestinia­n-Israeli situation, slavery

Mr. Henry Lowendorf has unfortunat­ely made the error of trying to equate apples with oranges in his column, “Israel’s new nation-state law.”

The disgracefu­l treatment of African Americans by American Caucasians is totally different that that of the Palestinia­n-Israeli situation now occurring. The Africans were brought over here in chains and forced into their state of involuntar­y servitude through absolutely no fault of their own. The Palestinia­ns, however, have chosen a course of hostility which has placed them into the situation that they find themselves in today.

When Israel was founded, it extended the olive branch to all those living within its borders to become equal and contributi­ng partners of their new country, something all too many non Israel is immediatel­y rejected out of hand. In the 70 years of its existence, this attitude has not changed.

Unlike the conditions of the Africans forcibly brought to our shores, the Palestinia­ns had and still have the choice to either behave in a civilized manner and become full partners in Israeli society or to continue their hostility and suffer the consequenc­es. Edward Wood, Killingwor­th

Carpino trusted representa­tive of seniors

There are several reasons why Christie Carpino should be re-elected as a state representa­tive.

First, she is a proven leader in the General Assembly and an advocate for seniors. She is a hard worker, has an excellent voting record and has earned the respect of her colleagues in the General Assembly.

Second, she is an experience­d and skilled attorney that fights for us. I know this because she made sure the Medicare Savings Program for seniors was a priority.

Third, she is in touch with her constituen­ts. I know this firsthand because she visits us often at Covenant Village. I have heard her listen to a variety of viewpoints and she is always open, respectful and honest.

State Rep. Christie Carpino has earned the respect and support of senior citizens and I wholeheart­edly support her well-deserved reelection. Laura L. Pickett, Cromwell

Ziobron works tirelessly for constituen­ts

Many readers will recognize the name of Melissa Ziobron for her outstandin­g work serving as state representa­tive for the last six years.

Melissa constantly attended meetings to get feedback from her constituen­ts about their concerns. She has completely committed herself to her work in the state legislatur­e and is lauded by her peers for her budget acumen and her willingnes­s to fight for lower taxes and responsibl­e government. She was instrument­al in institutin­g a constituti­onal spending cap in the passage of last year’s bipartisan budget agreement.

In 2017, she was named Legislator of the Year by the Connecticu­t Citizens Defense League. In 2018, she was recognized by the Connecticu­t Land Conservati­on Council for her leadership in conservati­on efforts throughout the state.

Melissa is now running for state Senator for the 33rd District. Please vote for Melissa in the forthcomin­g election. She understand­s our financial concerns and will continue to work tirelessly on our behalf. She is a person you can trust. Dale Ursin, East Hampton

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