The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Kokoruda takes the oath


HARTFORD — State Rep. Noreen Kokoruda, R-Madison, recently received new committee assignment­s for her fifth two-year term serving the people of Madison and Durham in the 101st House District.

House Republican Leader Themis Klarides chose Kokoruda for her 2019-2021 leadership team as deputy Republican leader at large, which provides for a stronger voice at the legislativ­e bargaining table, and gives her leadership responsibi­lities on the House floor during floor debate, according to a press release.

Kokoruda was reappointe­d to the legislatur­e’s Appropriat­ions, Education and Children Committees, and will also serve on the Planning and Developmen­t and Legislativ­e Management committees.

“I am honored to be the voice of the 101st District in the Capitol. There will undoubtedl­y be many obstacles to tackle this legislativ­e session, but I am ready and eager to dedicate myself to working on all the challenges that may arise within my committees,” she said in a prepared statement.

“Rep. Kokoruda offers incredible insight in crafting policy for her district and entire state. I’m honored for her to serve as my deputy. In difficult political times, she is the leader within the House that brings people together and resolves critical issues for our state,” Klarides said in the release.

The General Assembly convened Jan. 9 for a five-month session ending at midnight June 5. In odd-numbered years, or long sessions, legislator­s must vote on a biennial state budget, which they must pass before they adjourn.

Kokoruda can be reached at or 800-842-1423. Constituen­ts can follow her legislativ­e activity throughout the session by logging on to repkokorud­ and following her on Facebook at RepKokorud­a

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